MS 460 carb adjust after DP exhaust cover install?

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Great Big

ArboristSite Lurker
Mar 21, 2009
Reaction score
Athens, Ohio
Had my saw over a yr now and want to put the dp cover on. Just how do I tweak the carb?

Do I need to apply loc-tite to the bolts when done?

Sounds like my rpm should be about 13500? Is that WOT with bar and chain and no load? Or is there some other way when checking max rpm?
Had my saw over a yr now and want to put the dp cover on. Just how do I tweak the carb?

Do I need to apply loc-tite to the bolts when done?

Sounds like my rpm should be about 13500? Is that WOT with bar and chain and no load? Or is there some other way when checking max rpm?

You will need to pull the limiter caps to tune the carb. Do a search, plenty of info about it here. Make sure the saw is still four-stroking, then worry about the revs.

I use purple loctite on muffler bolts.

Edisto made a nice FAQ here:

How do I tune my carb?

Links:the "official" thread<-has links to audio files and advice from Madsen's, with ethanol gas, "in the wood", one more.

Limiter caps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Spark plug color (stop saw during cut): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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does the stihl owners manual have tuneing directions in it



Had my saw over a yr now and want to put the dp cover on. Just how do I tweak the carb?

Do I need to apply loc-tite to the bolts when done?

Sounds like my rpm should be about 13500? Is that WOT with bar and chain and no load? Or is there some other way when checking max rpm?

The DP will require you to richen the mix. Might have to pull the limiters, might not, just depends on elevation, so give it a go and see if you can get it to 4stroke with caps - Sam
You'll need to richen it up a little bit. Best thing you could do (for this install and for the future), would be to try to get a tach. You don't have to get a fancy wireless one.

Hopefully your saw is four stroking at current. There was a video on here not too long ago, and there's also the audio files on the madsens website (google madsens), and go to FAQ, saw tuning...

With the saw off even, get a small screwdriver and note the position of the high jet screw at current. See how much you can turn counter clock wise. If you have a good bit of distance, you'll probably be fine. if you can only go like 1/8th of a turn or something, you'll probably have to pull the caps.

I put the DP cover on, cleaned filter, with bar and chain...13,900 rpm with tach. I've read that Stihls published rpm levels are plus/minus 1000 rpm (13500 rpm for MS460). Am I ok to just leave it alone or do I need tu richen up the carb? I'm at an altitude of about 800'.
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tuneing with the dual port is no difrent then tuneing with a stock muffler.

also wether it needs richend depnds on how rich its set from your stihl dealer or how rich you have it set.

the way i see this is if someone is not confident enough to tune a stock saw then theres no reason to be mesn with modding or installing the dual port cover
Evan, I feel I have the confidence, and desire to learn how to tune my own saws. Clearly I'm new to the game, but that's why I'm on the site. I'm interested in saws and trying to learn. I've read what's been posted and listened to Madsen's site on carb tuning. I need to go out and fire up the saw again to see just how much it's 4 cyling at WOT. I think it may be ok as far as sound goes, but I need to listen again.

My question is... at an rpm of 13,900 am I asking for trouble. Or is this ok and don't fix it if it "ain't broken"? Do you always want your saws dead nuts factory RPM? I would assume that you would?
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If you want to richen the mixture, take a small drywall screw, screw it partway into the limiter cap, pull it off, open teh screw 1/4 to 1/2 a turn, then REINSTALL the cap to keep the screw from vibrating in and out. Adjust to factory recommended rpm. I try to not exceed the listed number, but then I do not mod the cylinders.
My dealer says the DP covers are no longer available. Where can you buy an OEM one for the MS460?
He's lying

My dealer says the DP covers are no longer available. Where can you buy an OEM one for the MS460?

Or at best, your dealer is badly mistaken. I just had my dealer order one for me a couple weeks ago and it came in very quickly. Maybe try another dealer?

You won't gain much if you set it to stock rpm. Set it where in needs to be. Slightly richer than where the 4 stroking just comes back no load with a clean air filter
you dont have to be at 13900thats just a stock saw safe rpm.
ported saws go 15-16000 ive heard, i dont have a tach so i couldnt say i tune by ear.
460 DP cover

I will try again. What part number did you find to be available?

The part number for a dual-port muffler cover for a 460/440/044 is #1128 140 0801. It comes with a spark arrestor screen; make sure the screws that clamp the screen cover in place are tight. I paid $33 out the door for mine, including California tax. No need for a gasket with this cover; the gasket is only needed with the small exhaust outlet and the solid cover. Add ing the DP cover reduces pressure against the cover so a gasket is no longer necessary.


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