Got this saw for another project. Its goign to be on the shelf for a few until the 046 is done. Got it from a member here, hope they chime in soon. They didn't even have any posts but sent me a lot of pictures and made me feel comfortable sending the money. They packed it very well, it was like Christmas all over again! Goes to show there are good people out there!
Its already torn down and cleaned up thanks to them!! :yourock:
Took a couple pictures. I think ill leave it up to AS, shoudl this be a full rebuild? blast it and powder it? Lots of work but I'm sure it would be worth it. I Am also debating if I want to mill with it....
Its already torn down and cleaned up thanks to them!! :yourock:
Took a couple pictures. I think ill leave it up to AS, shoudl this be a full rebuild? blast it and powder it? Lots of work but I'm sure it would be worth it. I Am also debating if I want to mill with it....