New Member
Has anyone out there ever used that Dutch Trig product for preventing Dutch Elm? I've heard about it but am curious if anyone has used it with any success? How about Arbotect?
If you can get pentra bark and agri fos fungicide use agri fos @ 1.5 qts into 1 gal of h20 then add 5 ozs. of pentra bark in a
backpack sprayer and hose down 8` of trunk. This isnt yet labeled for ded but the high phosphite content will clean out vascular system. you can also substitute propiconazole for agri fos use at 100 gal rate in 2 gal of h20 . THEN add pentra bark @ 4 ozs. per gal of finished material and hose it down.
Check local laws before applying of course.
Has anyone out there ever used that Dutch Trig product for preventing Dutch Elm? I've heard about it but am curious if anyone has used it with any success? How about Arbotect?
Thanks for the ad, Dutch, but I was curious if any ARBORIST had used it in the real world here in the states, not just in trials.
but our experience and others such as Bartlett, Davey, and Swingle show that it is a current year treatment only.
The only product with a proven track record at this point, is Arbotect used at the 12 oz per inch rate injected into the root flares with a large volume of water dilution
I think that is what you meant by disclosure - I already assumed people knew this.
Wash off your keyboard after typing that!........ The research done at the University of Virginia...........
I have also seen elms that have been injected several times over with Arbotect using label recommendations and you are often lucky to find healthy wood in which to place the high helix bit