Burner of stored sunlight
Since this will be quite a long job for me, I figure I'd make a thread and keep adding to it. Hope you guys/gals follow along. Should be good stuff.
A friend of mine has a 210 acre farm that's due to come off CRP in the next year or two. It has two main ditches that run through the property which are about a mile long, total. They are going to tile the fields and run them into the ditch once they turn the ground over to farm it.
Here's an overhead view of the property.
Ditches highlighted.
I was asked if I wanted to drop all the trees for firewood and I said of course!
The work started today. We got about 300 yards of the South side done today. Maybe 100 trees today, all sizes. Took about 3.5 hours. I'd like to have stayed longer but neither my buddy or myself wore good enough boots and out feet got wet quick. There's a big hickory at the crossing but they want it left. That's the only tree they want left standing along the ditch after all this. I don't blame them, it's a beautiful tree.
It's been very wet here lately, so we loaded the yard cart and pulled it behind a Yamaha Beartracker atv. Both my 026 and MS360Pro fit in there along with the essentials.
I didn't start taking pics till after we started cutting. Today my best friend was with me for a wingman/cameraman. I'm the only one that cut and he was there for the safety aspect. Once we get it all down I'll go back by myself and cut everything into logs to be hauled out. Until then, I'm using the buddy system for safety.
So far I've found a bunch of shaggy bark hickory, some oaks, a ton of cherry stumps that have 5 or 6 trunks coming off of them, and the rest is stuff I'm not quite sure of. Alot of the hickory's were 5 or 6 trunks too. Must be because of the constant supply of water. Oh, and there's some pears back here too. I'll have to take some close ups for you guys that can identify better than I.
Here's the ditchbank. Well atleast one side of it. They don't care which way it falls, as they have an excavator with a grapple bucket and will pick them out and pile them up for me.
There's a bunch of tall stuff back here. Nothing much over 24" across, though. Used the 026 the majority of the day today. The MS360Pro is just too heavy for me (I'm a lanky guy) to be repeatedly holding sideways to start the cuts. I did use it on some bigger stuff though.
Clumps of trees.
Here's a video of me cutting one with my MS360Pro. About 36 seconds into the video I about fall back into the creek. These trees are all literally on the very bank of the creek. I'm really starting to get a hang of this notching technique. Some overhand the ditch so badly that I can't notch it so I run a borecut from the back of the tree then do a backcut. Does an okay job of dropping them, just leaves a tag I have to go back and cut off.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/REKr0zDFKcM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Will add another video here shortly. This one scared me a bit. It started to go over then just stopped. Had to cut a bit more to get it to go the rest of the way. Could just be I didn't have the notch deep enough. I couldn't really get to the front of the tree to get a good notch on it because of the bank. I also had to saw about 6' up too. A lot of brush and things in the way.
The only problem we had today was the fact that the dawgs on my saws just aren't long enough. When I'm notching the trees that are 1/2 was down the bank I have to hold the saw up and away from my body in order to start the cut so I don't fall in. It takes a bit before I can get the saw deep enough so the bottom spike will hold and it wears me out. So I'm going to make my own dawgs tomorrow I hope. I plan on going back out to cut tomorrow afternoon so I'll grab some more close ups of trees if I do.
A friend of mine has a 210 acre farm that's due to come off CRP in the next year or two. It has two main ditches that run through the property which are about a mile long, total. They are going to tile the fields and run them into the ditch once they turn the ground over to farm it.
Here's an overhead view of the property.

Ditches highlighted.

I was asked if I wanted to drop all the trees for firewood and I said of course!

The work started today. We got about 300 yards of the South side done today. Maybe 100 trees today, all sizes. Took about 3.5 hours. I'd like to have stayed longer but neither my buddy or myself wore good enough boots and out feet got wet quick. There's a big hickory at the crossing but they want it left. That's the only tree they want left standing along the ditch after all this. I don't blame them, it's a beautiful tree.
It's been very wet here lately, so we loaded the yard cart and pulled it behind a Yamaha Beartracker atv. Both my 026 and MS360Pro fit in there along with the essentials.
I didn't start taking pics till after we started cutting. Today my best friend was with me for a wingman/cameraman. I'm the only one that cut and he was there for the safety aspect. Once we get it all down I'll go back by myself and cut everything into logs to be hauled out. Until then, I'm using the buddy system for safety.
So far I've found a bunch of shaggy bark hickory, some oaks, a ton of cherry stumps that have 5 or 6 trunks coming off of them, and the rest is stuff I'm not quite sure of. Alot of the hickory's were 5 or 6 trunks too. Must be because of the constant supply of water. Oh, and there's some pears back here too. I'll have to take some close ups for you guys that can identify better than I.
Here's the ditchbank. Well atleast one side of it. They don't care which way it falls, as they have an excavator with a grapple bucket and will pick them out and pile them up for me.

There's a bunch of tall stuff back here. Nothing much over 24" across, though. Used the 026 the majority of the day today. The MS360Pro is just too heavy for me (I'm a lanky guy) to be repeatedly holding sideways to start the cuts. I did use it on some bigger stuff though.

Clumps of trees.

Here's a video of me cutting one with my MS360Pro. About 36 seconds into the video I about fall back into the creek. These trees are all literally on the very bank of the creek. I'm really starting to get a hang of this notching technique. Some overhand the ditch so badly that I can't notch it so I run a borecut from the back of the tree then do a backcut. Does an okay job of dropping them, just leaves a tag I have to go back and cut off.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/REKr0zDFKcM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Will add another video here shortly. This one scared me a bit. It started to go over then just stopped. Had to cut a bit more to get it to go the rest of the way. Could just be I didn't have the notch deep enough. I couldn't really get to the front of the tree to get a good notch on it because of the bank. I also had to saw about 6' up too. A lot of brush and things in the way.
The only problem we had today was the fact that the dawgs on my saws just aren't long enough. When I'm notching the trees that are 1/2 was down the bank I have to hold the saw up and away from my body in order to start the cut so I don't fall in. It takes a bit before I can get the saw deep enough so the bottom spike will hold and it wears me out. So I'm going to make my own dawgs tomorrow I hope. I plan on going back out to cut tomorrow afternoon so I'll grab some more close ups of trees if I do.