What was usually the difference between regular models and Super models...i.e. 133 & 133 Super?
I would like to see video of a 143 MX running against a 660 and 395 and 9010...just to see the difference. Any takers interested in making the video and posting it up for us to see? Too bad I am so far away I can't attend a GTG.
I would like to see video of a 143 MX running against a 660 and 395 and 9010...just to see the difference. Any takers interested in making the video and posting it up for us to see? Too bad I am so far away I can't attend a GTG.
Wish I had a 143MX..
Thanks for the posts!
On the 143, 11HP!!!:spam:
Cutting performance...8.0 sq. ft./min....Interesting...
Those a great looking saws!
Well I have a sweet 143mx and a demo PS9010 now who is bringing the 660 and the 395 and the vid camera???????????