Hi Guys,
I've recently acquired an HS80 hedge trimmer that looks like it has had little use, but has been giving me fits. Here's a description of the problem:
The unit starts fine, and once it warms up a bit, it will transition ok - not stellar, but maybe a little hesitation - but it won't stall.
As the unit runs longer, it starts to misbehave. Hesitation (bogging) increases, and if I don't baby it, it will stall. I am familiar with engine tuning, and it definitely acts lean - also, running partially choked will consistently make it run GREAT. Sometimes, tipping the unit on its side when idling will immediately stall the engine.The unit seems to need to cool back down before I can get it to run semi-normally again. The idle is always fine, and if I can get it to full throttle, it sounds great there as well. The carb is a Zama and it has no high speed mixture adjustment.
The behavior pattern I've described here is the closest I've been able to determine, but sometimes it just seems to defy the pattern - just acting flaky and unpredictable. Just when I think maybe I fixed it, it goes bad again. Here is what I've checked/done so far:
* Compression "feels" good, and it never feels seized
* I've loosened the gas cap in case a vacuum was building up - no help
* The primer works fine
* Rebuilt the carb with Zama RB-66 kit. I believe that every port passed cleaner normally (except possibly the main jet - see paragraph below). No change.
* tried a wide range of idle mixture settings. Best operation (idle) is close to 1-2 turns out per the manuals. This had little impact on transition or high throttle performance.
* New intake gaskets
* Air filter elements are great
* New Fuel pick-up/filter
* New spark plug
* Cleaned and inspected fuel lines - they are in great condition.
* Cleaned spark arrestor - also removed it altogether - no help
* Tried several different two-stroke mixes - it currently has 3/4 tank of 50:1 Stihl oil to good-quality (no ethanol) 89 octane per the manual - no difference.
* Cutter bar is clean and moves freely. Slight idle-up will put them in motion.
* Spark is strong - even when the engine is hot.
* Everything is clean as a whistle on this unit.
* During testing, the unit is consistently held stable on a level padded surface on a concrete floor.
* Failure only takes about 5 minutes when started cold.
When rebuilding the carb I noticed that the main jet is not consistent when I try to shoot cleaner through it like most jets that i've cleaned. It's not a straight through hole (there are crimp marks on the inside of it like it is a multi-piece assembly), and it seems to scatter the carb cleaning fluid differently each time I spray. Does this jet have a check-valve or something in it, and does this behavior make sense? The jet is pressed in and a replacement doesn't come with the kit.
My fingers are tired - I think I have covered everything here.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
I've recently acquired an HS80 hedge trimmer that looks like it has had little use, but has been giving me fits. Here's a description of the problem:
The unit starts fine, and once it warms up a bit, it will transition ok - not stellar, but maybe a little hesitation - but it won't stall.
As the unit runs longer, it starts to misbehave. Hesitation (bogging) increases, and if I don't baby it, it will stall. I am familiar with engine tuning, and it definitely acts lean - also, running partially choked will consistently make it run GREAT. Sometimes, tipping the unit on its side when idling will immediately stall the engine.The unit seems to need to cool back down before I can get it to run semi-normally again. The idle is always fine, and if I can get it to full throttle, it sounds great there as well. The carb is a Zama and it has no high speed mixture adjustment.
The behavior pattern I've described here is the closest I've been able to determine, but sometimes it just seems to defy the pattern - just acting flaky and unpredictable. Just when I think maybe I fixed it, it goes bad again. Here is what I've checked/done so far:
* Compression "feels" good, and it never feels seized
* I've loosened the gas cap in case a vacuum was building up - no help
* The primer works fine
* Rebuilt the carb with Zama RB-66 kit. I believe that every port passed cleaner normally (except possibly the main jet - see paragraph below). No change.
* tried a wide range of idle mixture settings. Best operation (idle) is close to 1-2 turns out per the manuals. This had little impact on transition or high throttle performance.
* New intake gaskets
* Air filter elements are great
* New Fuel pick-up/filter
* New spark plug
* Cleaned and inspected fuel lines - they are in great condition.
* Cleaned spark arrestor - also removed it altogether - no help
* Tried several different two-stroke mixes - it currently has 3/4 tank of 50:1 Stihl oil to good-quality (no ethanol) 89 octane per the manual - no difference.
* Cutter bar is clean and moves freely. Slight idle-up will put them in motion.
* Spark is strong - even when the engine is hot.
* Everything is clean as a whistle on this unit.
* During testing, the unit is consistently held stable on a level padded surface on a concrete floor.
* Failure only takes about 5 minutes when started cold.
When rebuilding the carb I noticed that the main jet is not consistent when I try to shoot cleaner through it like most jets that i've cleaned. It's not a straight through hole (there are crimp marks on the inside of it like it is a multi-piece assembly), and it seems to scatter the carb cleaning fluid differently each time I spray. Does this jet have a check-valve or something in it, and does this behavior make sense? The jet is pressed in and a replacement doesn't come with the kit.
My fingers are tired - I think I have covered everything here.