The working man, and chainsaw thread!!!!!!!!!

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I here ya Sam, been working 6 and 7 days at a time myself. Would love to get out fishing, or bike riding:msp_thumbup:. I just sold a gun so I can get more stuff. Should have a treemotion saddle headed this way, and will shortly be ordering some more odds and ends. Need to start saving up for more guns now LOL. I do have a good leash Randy, I just always end up tangled in it:hmm3grin2orange:. Now I just have a short leash that I have to unclip to use the saw. Not sure which is the lesser of the two evils, the tangles or fearing I will drop the saw LOL.
Hey Jerry there is Rattlers in the interior of BC, startled me the first time I saw the sign!!!!! Gets pretty hot there in the summer months.

I would not be surprised if they were in the area just inland past the coastal mountains, its dry and hot there. I spent some time over in Kelowna, it looked like there might be some there but the locals said they never seen any around there.
I would not be surprised if they were in the area just inland past the coastal mountains, its dry and hot there. I spent some time over in Kelowna, it looked like there might be some there but the locals said they never seen any around there.

Where I saw the signs was at Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park

Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park - BC Parks

pretty nice place, and a great lake, there is even a warning on that link I posted, they recommend you stay on trails.
.....saw leash.....

I here ya Sam, been working 6 and 7 days at a time myself. Would love to get out fishing, or bike riding:msp_thumbup:. I just sold a gun so I can get more stuff. Should have a treemotion saddle headed this way, and will shortly be ordering some more odds and ends. Need to start saving up for more guns now LOL. I do have a good leash Randy, I just always end up tangled in it:hmm3grin2orange:. Now I just have a short leash that I have to unclip to use the saw. Not sure which is the lesser of the two evils, the tangles or fearing I will drop the saw LOL.

.....I'm still looking for a more "user friendly" leash.....(need more stuff!:laugh:)
Hi Norm, Brian, all you others. More great pics, always interesting to see arborist type stuff. Don't know much about it, looks like you guys have to buy even more crap than me!

Supposed to have a helicopter on Monday, so I'll bring my camera, and maybe drive up the crick after work and snap some pics if they actually show up and actually fly a log......believe it when I see it.

Take care, be safe - Sam
Nice! Wish I had more money to buy more crap though! I saw a job in Cazadero where I grew up. Eel river logging used a helicopter, and there was still some decent logs too. It was real impressive. Jerry them bastards, any yellow jackets or wasps, bees no thanks! Snakes too lol! Lucky you don't have em! Brian, Randy and Will great to see all of you! Sorry I have been sidetracked. Created a new facebook group.. called the alliance of dog men. I have united several states, and also OZ. Pretty excited, in a week we have 1100 members. Its free, and just want to unite all of us sportsmen.
Nice! Wish I had more money to buy more crap though! I saw a job in Cazadero where I grew up. Eel river logging used a helicopter, and there was still some decent logs too. It was real impressive. Jerry them bastards, any yellow jackets or wasps, bees no thanks! Snakes too lol! Lucky you don't have em! Brian, Randy and Will great to see all of you! Sorry I have been sidetracked. Created a new facebook group.. called the alliance of dog men. I have united several states, and also OZ. Pretty excited, in a week we have 1100 members. Its free, and just want to unite all of us sportsmen.

Hey Norm, ya we all get busy, not to worry. Happy for ya about your dogs, that's pretty cool about your new group taking off like that.
Poisinous snakes are almost nonexistant in Canada, only a couple of places like Southern Ontario and the very Southern parts of our prarie Provinces may have rattlers. Lethbridge in Southern Alberta is one place I heard they have rattlers. Around my area there are none at all, we have some non poisinous snakes that are harmless to humans. Now hornets and wasps we have plenty of and anyone working in the woods runs into them many times a season, they hurt like heck.

Yup they are here and I saw one last year sunning itself on the rocks of a bank at one of my fishing spots from then on I always have this with me when in the bush

012.jpg picture by stihl1 - Photobucket

How much will it help or not I dunno but its better than nothing.
Thanks Will, good to see you missed ya! Alex nice machette, and o88!:cool2:

Thanks Norm, thats the slingerized 088, and a real monster :D.

The Brazilians sure know how to make a cheap but pretty high quality machete. Only thing was that it had basically no edge how dull it was its some reg here you can't sell any knife over I dont how many inches sharp but now ive sharpened it to the point I can shave with it :hmm3grin2orange:, and Im gonna add a cord to it on the handle but other than that its an awesome deal for $20.
I agree, Alex good price. Maybe they ship dull for law, or safety? Seen that before here in CA can't get em shipped, they consider anything more than a pocket knife, a dangerous weapon. LOL! Kills me you can walk in your local sports store here and get em for nothing. Things lightened up a little recently I think. Yeah that 088 is nice, makes short work of anything im sure. Great pic of the large stump you had.
I agree, Alex good price. Maybe they ship dull for law, or safety? Seen that before here in CA can't get em shipped, they consider anything more than a pocket knife, a dangerous weapon. LOL! Kills me you can walk in your local sports store here and get em for nothing. Things lightened up a little recently I think. Yeah that 088 is nice, makes short work of anything im sure. Great pic of the large stump you had.

You're right Norm, great pics of that 088 and stump. :msp_thumbup: I'm on the last few days of my "vacation", just came in from cutting trees on my Church property. Mostly dead and dying stuff next to our drive/road, nothing real big but still big enough to make me work. :D My wife got some pics and video, I'll try to post some a little later, after I get cleaned up and get something to eat.
I'm going to try and finish up that Oak with the old lightning strike on it tomorrow, not sure if I can, I think I'm gonna be a "one man wrecking crew" again tomorrow. :hmm3grin2orange: Took my wife out to the coast Wednesday (25[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary) and saw some of the after effects of the storm we got earlier this week, a lot of sand and rocks were thrown up onto the road. When we drove through they were using a pay loader to clean off the road. They had some minor flooding also. :msp_ohmy: Got a few pics of waves splashing over, I'll post a few of those too. Now that the rain is gone the weather is great, sunny and in the 70's.
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:

Sorry Norm,
I didn't get a chance to load pics from coast, here's a few of some cutting I did today.....


.....I love the feeling of wood chips in my eyes.....:hmm3grin2orange:

Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
Randy what can I say, you are awesome my good friend. Always help folks, and always have time to come in here be a good friend and share posts, and stories. I really like you, and your work you always give 110 percent It shows! Great pictures and post:msp_thumbsup::msp_thumbup:
Randy what can I say, you are awesome my good friend. Always help folks, and always have time to come in here be a good friend and share posts, and stories. I really like you, and your work you always give 110 percent It shows! Great pictures and post:msp_thumbsup::msp_thumbup:

Thanks Norm, like I keep saying, by far the hardest work I've ever done but I still love doing it. :msp_thumbup: Lightning strike Oak today, I'll get pics and video.
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
Awesome buddy! Hope job went well. Just hit one of our hunting rancshes today, some minor cutting, nothing spectacular
Lightning strike Oak.....

Randy what can I say, you are awesome my good friend. Always help folks, and always have time to come in here be a good friend and share posts, and stories. I really like you, and your work you always give 110 percent It shows! Great pictures and post:msp_thumbsup::msp_thumbup:

Hello Norm,
Well, I survived another take down, was flying solo for most of the day. All in all it went very well.
Here's a few "teaser" pics.....'s my gear, (I needed all of it).....

.....this is the spot in the top of the tree where the "lightning strike" starts.....

.....this is the rigging set up I used to take out the left side of the top, took it in 2 pieces, had to get VERY creative, sorry, no before pic.....

.....made me a "little" nervous working around this split, in the top most of all.....

.....layed it down right next to the lawn for easy access to cut it up and haul it out (another day).....

.....I gotta say, this is my first time working with the Porta-wrap and I am absolutely AMAZED!!!!! at how well it works. Now I understand why so many people are using it.
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
Glad it went well, was thinking of ya. Yep the porta wrap will open some new doors it did for us! Glad you like, and tree went well. Pics did not down load, not sure if it was my side here, or just did not download for ya. Anyway catch you in a bit, you are probably resting.
Glad it went well, was thinking of ya. Yep the porta wrap will open some new doors it did for us! Glad you like, and tree went well. Pics did not down load, not sure if it was my side here, or just did not download for ya. Anyway catch you in a bit, you are probably resting.

Ayuh, went very well. With this being the first time really working with the porta wrap and using it up in the tree I had to get VERY creative. It took me a long time to get everything rigged, recheck all knots and ropes, run through in my mind how everything "should" work, and then actually do it. I wasn't quite sure exactly what to expect :nailbiting: The result when I cut the top and it fell into the rope was so completely beyond my expectations that I actually laughed out loud. And it performed EXACTLY the same on the second piece of top I cut! How is it possible that something so simple can make tree work so much easier?!? If you're going to do tree work this thing is a must have piece of equipment, it's awesome!!! :bowdown:
Oh yeah, I just reread your post. Ayuh, I'm looking at the pics in my last post right now. They came up, no problem. I've got one pic of the rigging set up I used, unfortunately I didn't get any pics before I cut, with the rope tied off to the top. :mad: Here's a couple more, a little bit of a different view.




Ayuh, you're right Norm, I am resting. I'm a "little bit" worn out (sore) from yesterday.....:hmm3grin2orange:

Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
More cool pics, thanks for sharing. Still waiting on a helicopter, ####-heads are over a month late now.....which means if the sun comes out, the Ponderosa will blue and lose it's value by I'm thinking we're kinda ####-ed.....Not that we weren't anyways. Not much good comes from heli contracts in this economy/timber market. Hopefully it'll all shake out in the overall scheme when tossed in with the yarder/cat wood.

The bird is supposed to show up tomorow and fly sticks's in the crummy...if nothing else, I'll take some pics of my grouse ladder patch! Literally! Knocked two of the poor bastards out of trees I was dumping on Friday......Makes you move around a little when something comes out of a tree you're falling that looks rather big and coming back up the hill at you.

Hope you all are well - Sam
Randy they came up now for me. Good stuff my friend, glad you likey! When we bought our porta wrap we never looked back. Makes life 100 percent easier, saves your rope too, as we use to just wrap it around the tree or limb for a brake. Sam great to see you buddy! What the hell comes out of the trees the retarded chicken?? LOL! The working man got some saws today. The 288 is mine finally got one:msp_smile: Needs p&C but super clean. The 2100's I was going to sell, thought at first just parts saws, but the one is strong, clean p&C ridiculous compression, and it fired on the 6th pull. They sat for 10 years indoors I bet. Needs carb kit and fuel line, but now may be hard to part with not pretty but a great saw.