ALERT ALERT Ebay buyer to block

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Apr 25, 2007
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Pittsburgh Pa.
Just had a bad experiance with an Ebayer that I would like to pass along and hope no one here gets scammed by this guy. There was a thread on here last month about the item I sold. A guy posted about how he couldn't believe how much someone payed for a used Sugihara bar. I had the bar listed with a buy it now price of 39.99 with the opening bid at 10% lower as Ebay requires with BIN auctions. The bar is a 24 inch that was run on my Dolmar 7900, with the stock spacers. I overheated it once in a cut on a 40 inch round, and I actually wrote about not liking the Sugi's on Dolmars using stock spacers. I had the bar listed with several pictures with a close up of the heat stressed part of the bar. The bar isn't damaged any other way, and though I didn't say in my auction that it was heated, I did take 2 pictures of that part of the bar, and one good closeup. It was obvious, but I've run bars that were cooked a lot worse than this one.

Back to the auction. Someone did the opening bid, and that wiped out my BIN price of $39.99. So the bids take off I was surprised at how high it went. Guy buys it and pays. I go to ship the bar and see he's from Seward Alaska and I ship the bar the next day and insure the package. Well you know how long it takes to mail stuff in the lower 48 let alone Alaska. Well it did take a while, and he did email me once and I tracked the package. It did take 3 weeks and when he got the bar, he contacts me and says the bar is badly bent. I figure thats why it took so long, and offer the guy a refund. We exchanged numbers and talked over the phone.

He told me he wanted me to send him $65 and he would call it even. He paid $71 plus $12.99 shipping. I think about it and figure, why would I do that when the bar was insured for $80. I told him it was insured and he could file the insurance claim or send it back to me. Then the conversation turns ugly and I tell the guy just send it back and I'll give him the refund as Ebay rules of an item not as desribed. He says He wanted me to pay for his return shipping and I never said I would or wouldn't. Well the guy sends me the bar back and low and behold, the bars not bent at all. But the guy didn't send me back the 2 extra set of spacers that I sent with the bar. I refund the guy his money just so he would go away and I figure I'll give the 1rst looser of the auction a second chance offer and be done with it.

Well here where the scam starts. The guy calls me on the phone and demands a $20 Pay Pal deposit or he'll leave bad feedback. I allready refunded his money through EBAY resolution. He says thats the shipping that it cost him to mail bar back. I didn't speak to him because he called my office phone and I wasn't around. I wouldn't have sent it to him anyways but he did leave me a Neg Feedback.

I'm not going to broadcast this winers name, but if someone else figures it out through the old posts and does it will serve this winer right. If he's a member and he wants to call me out in public please do because I'll thrash you in a public forumn if you are that dumb. If anyone needs or wants the guys EBAY handle PM me and I'll fill you in that way. BLOCK THIS BUYER.
Feedback extortion is against eBay policy. I would report him. It may or may not get his account suspended but it would make me feel better if I were you. Yes, I am a vindictive SOB.

It may be grounds to get his bad feedback scrubbed from your feedback score. It doesn't sound like you deserve it.
Just had a bad experience with an Ebayer that I would like to pass along and hope no one here gets scammed by this guy.

You should drop his name then. If he is a member -- folks should know he's trying to screw people.
i am going to add my 2 cents which is as useless as used crap paper,, anyway,, i bought a 20" bar for my 372,,, long story short,, it still hasn't showed up and its been 3 1/2 weeks,, anyway the guy refunded my money fully,,, i told him i would pay the money back to him if it ever shows up and he told me no,, not to worry about it since the usps screwed up,,, he was real good about it,, of course i have his pp number so IF it ever shows up i am still going to send him back the money
there is a lot of good people on fleabay but there is also a bunch of thieves
i am going to add my 2 cents which is as useless as used crap paper,, anyway,, i bought a 20" bar for my 372,,, long story short,, it still hasn't showed up and its been 3 1/2 weeks,, anyway the guy refunded my money fully,,, i told him i would pay the money back to him if it ever shows up and he told me no,, not to worry about it since the usps screwed up,,, he was real good about it,, of course i have his pp number so IF it ever shows up i am still going to send him back the money
there is a lot of good people on fleabay but there is also a bunch of thieves

I totally agree with 08 on this one, but not on the size of a snackie.:msp_biggrin:
I sold a Dolmar 5100s not to long ago on fleebay and the winner of the saw had an issue with its idle tune so I took it back to avoid any issues down the road with it. For some reason the idle tune on this saw is very narrow and if you go outside of that it can be aggrevating to get it back right on.

It only made sense for me to take it back. As it turns otu the buyer is a member here and it was a mutual happy ending on the return of it. It was the first time I had faced this issue, but it was resolved in a good manner. I'm actually now happy to have it back as I sold off all my 029 and 290 stock so I think it will just stay.

I did get a negative feedback once for a lot of kids clothes I sold for the big sum of $0.01. I shipped them to the person for less than I listed shipping and the oerson said the clothes were junk. There was a lot of name brand clean clothes in the lot. Some people actually expect everything to be better than new I guess:msp_scared: for the price of half of what an item cost new or even less.

No way would I tolerate feedback extortion especially when the bar was never bent to begin with. Contact eBay so you get your fees back on the auction if a case hasn't been started yet.
Originally Posted by o8f150

"I totally love my snackies bigger then 023/5 does"

Fixed for clarity!

The extortion was made over the phone. So no email involved with that.

I contacted Ebay but my concerns seem to be lost in translation. I was really having a hard time understanding this persons dialect. Probably my fault also for not taking foriegn languages in high school.

Not really a huge deal to me. It was bound to happen sooner or later. All I'm out is 12 cheap little spacers that came with the bar. This was more the case of someone sitting at the computer on a Sunday nite with a left hander in the right hand and probably a bag of Cheetos in his lap. Bidding way to much for something and being a DOOSHWA about it. Seemed to be a winey kid who did stuff for daddys business. He may have gotten spanked by the old man for all I know.
The bar was bent. During its return, it got put on the same truck upside down and got bent in the other direction which is why it was straight when you got it. If you send it to Arizona next time you send it out, maybe it'll re-heat treat the grooves.

Now just sell it to a Stihl guy and you don't need to worry about all those spacers...

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