That gives them almost 60deg of case compression angle, assuming the reed valves have closed the strato ports before the normal intake port closes. What is the opening angle of the strato port (ignoring the reed valve)?
As always your build threads are great!
I bet it is nice to work on a new CLEAN saw!
I see it now - I thought they were still gated by a piston port but with the reeds added on, but they are entirely reed controlled.The stratos have no opening point because of the reed valves. They use the upper transfers only.
OK, so the strato pathway is controlled exclusively by a shared linkage with the throttle, and the reed valves keep the port closed the rest of the time? The when the strato path is open, the air is sucked into the upper transfers and mixes with the "mix" coming up thru the case via the lower transfers? Is my brain on track with this? ThanksI see it now - I thought they were still gated by a piston port but with the reeds added on, but they are entirely reed controlled.