Falling pics 11/25/09

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oh man that'll make ya sick........prolly lost 500 bucks right there.
some times there is nuthin ya can do short of having a climber come top it out. makes me awful mad when it happens.
Yeah, that one hurt. Fortunately, that was the 3rd log and not the butt log. Heavy down hill lean, and a large, spreading crown made up of large diameter limbs-- Like you said, sometimes there's not much you can do.
( at least there's not much I can do)

Mills around here don't usually take the split logs. I guess maybe if they are big enough- or with a specific market like staves.
Jon, keep in mind what you're doing is more like residential tree work than logging. I've done both, and it's different. When it's just that onee tree, you can't always pick your lay, sometimes the lay picks you. I'm pretty decent wiith wedges, but sometimes they just won't cut it. You're doing fine. One of these days I'll get back down south and we'll drop a few, and hoist a few.
Been real busy lately, working on a building site. only time I thought about pictures are a few cleanup/remainder trees last week.

Been in real nice pine 120-140 ft tall which is crazy for what I've seen in mass. 70-80 ft of logs
Looks like fun Plankton! I'd love to lay into some tall pine. Never get to cut anything decent at the job. They don't grow this far south in the state (naturally anyway). So do you cut for a logging outfit full time?