The "Not So Pro" discussion thread...of course Pros are welcome!

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Well, quit posting about it and have HIM (I'm being sexist and assuming that) post on here. Flannel shirts? Carhart? Steel toed boots? You need to quit preaching and start listening/learning. Carharts, maybe, sometimes a flannel shirt, but steel toed boots? No way. Try hickory shirts, torn hoodies, rain gear, calks. Oil and grease or for us foresters, paint spackled pants and shirts.

By the way, I've been accused of having a chip on my shoulder, and by golly gee shucky darn I do. It'll stay there. Very few men on here have experienced the crap we women had to go through in the early days --1970s to work at the lowest jobs in the woods. You don't know. And the crap we overhear men discussing -- like women can't possibly do something ( a job that I had passed all the tests for and had worked at for 10 years at that time) because ________fill in the blanks. That was after I'd been working for 20 years!! I kept my mouth shut then but now wish I hadn't. And, there is a woman who lurks on the other forums but is afraid to chime in. And, a European woman tried to enter the realm in one of the most hostile forums--Off The Topic and within 3 posts was attacked by the usual attacker. For goodness sakes, we are 50% or more of the world's population! It isn't smart, business wise to piss us off. Note the "outrage" you feel if we patronize you. For the loggers, they were rarely the problem. They had/have a more generous outlook. As long as you do your job and make it to the woods when needed, you could be Bruce Jenner. Production doesn't have time for stupid prejudices.

Hop in your form of transportation. Come out and try to get a job in the woods. Listening to male relatives tell stories is probably not going to work as a qualification.
There you go again. He must be a charlatan, right?

For whatever you had to go through in the 70's as far as harassment, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Ever watch the movie North Country? That was set not far from where I grew up. While the circumstances in your job may have been different, it's a good example of how disgusting humans can be. Now if you choose to hate the world and broad brush all men except for gologit into the category of those morons who berated women then you are really missing the boat.

I'll repeat what I said yesterday morning. If you see someone being heckled on here you need to report the post. With the flow that this site receives the mods cannot read every post. But as you know when things get reported they are attended to.

My reference of sitting around the table and listening to more experienced people talking had nothing to do with logging and everything to with life. (PS I also learned a lot from my grandma and aunts.). But you obviously missed the point being made.
The women arborists i know are just like Bruce Jenner......used to be a man. Now thats not always the case, but the ones i know are.
A chocolate fish goes to the first person who can quote the black eyed peas lyrics I feel best sums up yet another good thread in here that has sunk or been pulled down to such crap lows.

Hint: drama

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