Huztl MS660

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I made some progress. There will be a point soon where all kits will contain the foil, I got that much. We are still sorting on the shutter. i told her to quit listening to what she was being told and to go pick the part up and look at it an the included air filter and the fact the plastic is stamped winter summer.

she wanted to pay $6 for the foil and my shop told me it cost $10.60 and she said she would ship the other missing parts.

i think they care enough.
My kit arrived today. I was able to pull the crank seals with a seal pick. The crank pressed in easily with my drill press without using heat. I installed the piston, cyl, muffler, oiler, and clutch.. all were fine and didn't have any visible issues.

The problem is that I'm missing a couple parts. I commented on my paypal dispute and offered to either receive them in a new package or receive a $25 refund so that I can buy them through amazon. (guessing they're pricy from a local stihl dealer, but didn't check)
  1. Woodruff key to attach flywheel
  2. Clutch drum + rim sprocket
I did receive my spikes. I'm not quite sure if i have all my screws or not since i'm currently stuck without the key and drum.

Interestingly, my oiler came pre-assembled and already primed with oil.. but they also included a separate baggie that included some duplicate oiler parts.

My woodruff key was in a small package in the flywheel package. I overlooked it the first time through.
I think the price will rise soon. The whole idea was to stir business towards their own website and cut out ebay as much as possible and with the e fees the price would not be so good. helen is watching this very closely. look on the arbortec website and the kits are twice the price. they removed the pictures but its the same kit.

The first time that I looked at the item on their site they had 4 different price points based on how many of them you bought, now they just have 2 price points at qty 1 and qty 6+.
Wouldn't suprise me if they did go up. Think I might order a husky what the best kit model for them.
Chain break! That's the hardest thing to get into people's head to use. Especially old timers.

I finally got the website to work and I am going to order the 361 kit. I have a 660 and 036, I'd love a 372 but I don't think their kit has the 372 cylinder.

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I ordered the 365-372 kit. I order a big bore kit from Huztl ebay store. I haven't received them yet.
The part is packaged separately? Its small, could it be between your box flaps? It was the thinnest lightest pack I had. I looked in my box and that's possible, unless it came in another pack which was the case for many if not all I just cannot recall. Sorry, another silent vote for a packing list.

The intake washer is also missing from the kit...just realized whilst going through the parts list again...

Stihl OEM P# 1128 121 8600
I opened all those bags on in the middle of a room on the floor. When i discovered I didn't have the flywheel key I searched the floor and every one of the empty bags several times. Definitely don't have it .. or maybe one of my cats stole it?

Its interesting that you are missing the clutch drum. They told me my order was delayed because the drum was out of stock. I ordered mine on 6/9.
Huztl replied to my updated dispute within a couple hours:
Dear Sir, Thank you for your reply! We shipped the clutch drum wt rim for you by USPS. Because the clutch drum has been out of stock during the beginning of this month. In order to ship out your rest parts asap, we ship them separately. The parcel is already en route. The tracking # is LT208976287CN. Hope you can kindly wait 5-7 days to get the parcel.

Also we hope you can check the woodruff key again. It's a small item, may be you didn't notice it in many other parts. Hope you can help us confirm again.

It seems they started mailing the kits without the drum due to the backorder. They then shipped the drum when it became available -- though they didn't relay this maneuver to me until after I had to find out on my own and complain.

She had the same reaction as you guys in that I likely just overlooked the key (which i don't completely rule out). It does seem as though they're willing to mail a separate package all the way from China with just the key in it. That definitely gives me the feeling that they're truly dedicated to customer service. Which is good, since they're so disorganized that you're almost guaranteed to need to make use of that service. Anyway, I'm just going to buy the flywheel key myself to save them on shipping and me on time.
I think it's interesting they are getting hammered with needless complaints. We send our money all the way to China to help their company grow the least they can do is send us a complete order and they are doing us no favors by fixing the errors no matter how far away they are. They will be coming to dinner in a country near us soon.:)
heh, well... personally, i didn't send my money to china to help them grow their company. I sent it there because their product met my needs for roughly 20% the price of the local counterpart. At that level of discount, I almost expect them not to replace any small missing parts. I wonder how much profit they end up with on each of these kits given that they keep having to mail extra packages from China.
Be nice to have enough of these locally to hold a GTG with these as a theme...even some impromptu racing. Stock class (54mm) woods mod..(56mm) and anything goes classes. :) The price point takes the sting out of building a hobby/race/GTG saw. :) Allows those with skills and talent explore where before it took thousands of dollars. Also happy to see someone pick up the torch and move it forward relative to organizing the information to make it easier to replicate. A parts list or a sources for complete kits to mitigate the need for a list .. I never really had the time or focus. Huztl seems to be helping as well. I still think round two for me is starting with a box saw and then targeting some upgraded parts to make it more reliable first and then obviously the "Hot Rod" mentality will kick in. My early builds have already begun that process through just using them and debugging them. At this point my 56mm build from that first video with my wife is absolutely at a "Pro level" in performance & stability. Chain adjusters, some of the rubber parts, carbs etc. Wonder if Farmertec has upgraded as they have with the Husqvarna offerings. I wouldn't beat up Huztl or whom ever too bad on the details as long as they respond or we can find either alternative sources for those detail parts, even better yet help THEM understand what's required. My bet is after a few iterations these will settle into a more regular event for them and the bits and pieces left out will become an anomaly....and future purchasers can thank this new group for making that a reality. I won't have a lot to contribute at this point other than what I've done & on reliability based updates and performance upgrades because..Really, how many saws can a guy actually use?? It's a testament to these Farmertec parts that I have that 56mm puzzle saw in my main "In the truck" work saws! I have had a lot of fun with mine and they have in returned a lot of fire wood! Proves the point that for a person looking to repair or extend the life of some of those older saws can in fact do so for a reasonable price.

AND should anyone wonder if they actually run like a 90cc is a video from last year when the 56mm was still all pretty...its scuffed up now but runs even better after break in & a Walbro upgrade!

These aftermarket builds are great it can be a little tedious figuring out the ipls and getting parts oem that are not offered AM. I am in the middle of a 372 big bore build right now have 90 percent of the parts. This is definitely getting a video on completion since the whole lower is all AM I really want to see how this holds up. I'm kind of up in the air about the carb and whether I should try an AM or whether to go walbro. And whether to do a base gasket delete or not. Im taking my time I have other saws that are my go to saws. I don't think this saw has a chance vs my high top 288 but it sure is fun to put together.
Wow 19 pages and counting! Awsome.
I haven't been able to reply lately because I've been busy at my regular job plus putting my three brand new Stihl's to work. Cleaning up our ranch after a fire burned through... I have had the same luck as you guys now and my 660 kit should be here shortly. I just ordered the 361 kit tonight. I will create a separate thread for the 361 build

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