The seller might be full of crap, but the workmanship on the muffler doesn't look that bad. I would be curious to see how it performed.
Holy Cow!!!! Suck back!!!! Not the dreaded Suck back!!!!!!
If I had a dime for every saw I've ruined with suck back......
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing-it looks like a decent idea, and even maybe well done, but he lost me on the suck back and siphoning parts....
...and lest we forget ported mufflers are not for amatuers!:hmm3grin2orange:
Now Andy, you just go ahead. Let her rip, let's hear it!
Just leave out the part about my momma. This time.
I am sooooooo going to get banned tonight!!!!!
Are those quaters or taters?One time, at band camp, I saw a girl suck a clainet right up between them lips, now that is suck back!!! Another time I seen four quaters picked up, and dropped one at a time!! I won't say were I saw that either!