New Member
Does any body have any info as far as price goes on the new 500i?
My money, quite literally in fact, is on graphene supercaps instead of lithium ion. Out already in car/truck battery replacements, KERS storage for hybrid buses. Only a matter of time, I hope, before trickles down to OhPE (and trickles up to grid peak shaving and stabilisation). As a side note, has anyone seen what EGO are doing with their back-pack battery packs and various OhPE ? Interesting.Lithium Battery powered is probably the wave of the not so distant future,
My dealer said that at the last Echo tech class he went to they told them 2 stroke O P E is a grey hair business. Electric will take over sooner than later.Ive been doing a little search too. Price around 1800 us. Dont think i want one but i love to try it out. 562xp is about as complicated as ive gone thus far. Its exciting though seeing new stuff. Lithium Battery powered is probably the wave of the not so distant future, the old dudes around here probably hate me for saying it.
One thing that will never change is true tree care, understanding of trees themselves, safe felling techniques, proper structural pruning, identifying diseases and administering proper treatments... technology and science will continue to evolve hopefully for the better of our forests .
I read somewhere $1800....and that's where I stopped reading.
I just reread my last post: sorry guys. Im just throwing ideas around. Maybe gas would be so valuable to only use in small engines. Cars are not having trouble running electric engines...Thats a good point. And if they get the batteries as energy dense as gas they would become more dangerous and unstable. At least with our current tech. Something will be discovered/invented as it always has. The more fossil fuels we mine, pump and burn the less there will be. Supply-demand. Gas may become to valuable to put in a saw.
I don't see this saw being any more complicated. I suspect it has a throttle body with a single injector. It won't even look much different.Dont think i want one but i love to try it out. 562xp is about as complicated as ive gone thus far.