crfdell a licensed wood heat inspector???
mumble mumble
I have no inspector's license but have been around wood heat "for a while".
The list is long but lets start here;
Separate oil and wood units CANNOT share a flue.
An oil furnace needs a barometric damper, and wood cannot have one.
The gross reason is a chimney fire. How do you stop one if you can't shut off the air to it?
Next up will be back drafting.
OP do you have insurance on the house?
hint; you may be paying for it but you DON'T have insurance coverage.
Call your insurance company for an inspection.
Your house, but that install needs to go.
Went looking for a combo wood oil furnace and found this;"Benjamin Heating Products has temporarily suspeneded the sales of units in the USA
Our Apoligies to all our customers "
I'll let you guess why.
I've walked the walk; My wife's house had a similar set up when I met her, removing it and installing a properly vented separate wood stove was one of the first things I did.

The dog approved.
This is some interesting reading:
mumble mumble
I have no inspector's license but have been around wood heat "for a while".
The list is long but lets start here;
Separate oil and wood units CANNOT share a flue.
An oil furnace needs a barometric damper, and wood cannot have one.
The gross reason is a chimney fire. How do you stop one if you can't shut off the air to it?
Next up will be back drafting.
OP do you have insurance on the house?
hint; you may be paying for it but you DON'T have insurance coverage.
Call your insurance company for an inspection.
Your house, but that install needs to go.
Went looking for a combo wood oil furnace and found this;"Benjamin Heating Products has temporarily suspeneded the sales of units in the USA
Our Apoligies to all our customers "
I'll let you guess why.
I've walked the walk; My wife's house had a similar set up when I met her, removing it and installing a properly vented separate wood stove was one of the first things I did.

The dog approved.
This is some interesting reading: