Mulch in bags. We selling 60/70/120yds truck loads to wholesale customers.
After tree service companies, landscapers, and others drop off their wood material, it is loaded into the tub grinder where moisture is added. The mulch runs lengthwise from north to south on the 11 acres so that it...
All our wood becomes mulch. It's 10x more profitable than messing with firewood. All the companies in our area pay to dump in our yard and it all goes in a tub grinder.
I can't comment on the pro/ranch saws as i've never used the Echo's. But, i will say the Echo CS-2511 i just bought takes the MS 150T's lunch and is $150 cheaper.
3/8lp....the 1/4" sprocket isn't available in the US. I can get one from the UK but it would be about $75. I'm happy with the 3/8lp set up. As soon as the deflector gets here its gonna breathe a little better too.
I'm not sure if the 2260 even had the troubled carbs on them. I think the 562 was made a few years before the 2260 was ever made and the problem was on the early 562's.
I didn't realize there were so few left. If this is what you want i'd grab it.
The advantage is if you plan on getting a bigger Husky/JRed In the future or using a bigger bar than 20" then there are more available in large mount. If you're gonna stay at 20" then the advantage is the small mount will be slightly lighter.
If you go with the small mount you already have the...
The 2260 has a small bar mount, the handle is straight instead of at an angle , and the air filter and top cover is smaller. The JRed is also slightly smaller in size and lighter like the 555.
IME you'll notice the difference between the 562 and 555 most if you limb a lot. The revboost on the 562 allows it to wind up quicker. Once the throttle is pinned and they're buried in a log you won't notice any difference.
I've used both saws commercially and both get the job done. I had a...