Paleostoveologist & Sawwhisperer
Who's got them? How do you like them? Advantages over cast? How much wood do you use comparatively? etc..
I've had a hankering for a soaper for a few years now and am looking too hear some real world experiences. Especially interested in the Woodstocks which seem too have a great reputation, and are massive (weight wise). I want a 24/7 overnight burning heater stove too supplement the old Glenwood cookstove in the kitchen. All you soapers out there, convince me it's worth the BIG bucks these babies cost.
I've had a hankering for a soaper for a few years now and am looking too hear some real world experiences. Especially interested in the Woodstocks which seem too have a great reputation, and are massive (weight wise). I want a 24/7 overnight burning heater stove too supplement the old Glenwood cookstove in the kitchen. All you soapers out there, convince me it's worth the BIG bucks these babies cost.