I call it bodgy, you may call it redneck

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Nov 20, 2007
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Australia - NSW
One or two of you may remember my 070 I got for not much. It was listed as possibly bad bearings.

It had a bit of play, so replaced them with NGKs. Then the flywheel was loose on the cam so welded it. The clutch only had 2 hoes, and Dibbs very kindly helped me out with that ;)

THEN it wouldn't spark. Dave very kindly helped me out with a condensor. Although it proved to not be the problem, but I do have a nice new one in it now! After hours of hair pulling I found the points had a resistance to ground of a few Mohms when open. I degreased the insulation/bush on the arm and this cured it. For a few hours. Then it gave out again.

Yes I should have got new points, but not wanting to wait for a US nor willing to pay Stihl prices, I opted for another option...

Took a block of electrical insulation - hard and good with heat.

Cut a sqaure block and drilled a 4mm hole through it. Then put a screw through it that just bit, and put the screw in a drill (read lathe)

"Turned" it, with a raker file 'til it was round, and just fitted in the hole in the points.

Quite neat even if I say so

Fit it and set the gap to 0.4mm

And guess what...
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid230.photobucket.com/albums/ee33/harrygrey382/25102009021.flv">

Ok so it may not last years of intensive use, but it won't get that. And if/when it fails, I'll just bight the bullet and get some OEM points! But for now I haven't spent more than the sale price on it - £47. That's with a little help from Dibbs and Dave K though - thanks guys. So now I just need to spend some money on clutch cover, filter and bar stud. Then figure out how my tach works...
That's the beauty of working on you own things !! LOL (at least for a temporary fix)
Hey Harry i think were twins seperated at birth!!!!

I like that fix:cheers:

If you ever are stuck for a fine spring.... Take a pen apart:greenchainsaw:
lol thanks guys - it is certainly VERY satisfying when something like that comes together. And man does an 070 sound sweet...