New Member
Hi guys and thanks for any responses given. We purchased the house just over 1 yr ago and both me and my wife decided to put some money (Not a huge amount) into our front yard to make it more pleasing to our eyes. So recently we went to a garden/landscape designer and his advice was that the tree, due to it's location (too near the house) and the way it has grown trunk being split (3 ways) he recommended removing it before it gets too big and really expensive to remove. He did say if you get any heavy snow or high winds it will snap and then you will be forced to remove it. It's a nice looking oak in the spring and would be a shame to lose it. I would love your opinions as to whether you side with the designer or is jumping the gun. We reside in far North Texas, Dallas to be more precise.
Thanks Paul.
2 bald cyprus trees very close to each other (7' apart) and starting to look a bit deformed. Should we remove one of them or both? Please note that the nandinas/bushes will be removed regarless.
Last but not least a live oak that is 15/20 feet away from the house. Again we have been told to remove it because of the way it has formed. What do you guys think? Is he right in saying remove now before it becomes a bigger issue.