This is what happens when you go within range of a tree sitting back that wont fall.At 6pm the previous evening i was warned not to go near two trees as one sat back,so the faller aimed another tree at the first one and it sat back too.At 11am the next day i thought i would go and push them over.I had two choices,either side cut around the back of the hill to get behind them,or quickly go in under the trees and race around behind them.There was not a breath of wind ,and as i got to within about 80 ft of the trees i looked through the scrub and could see one scarf closing up,quickly followed by the other.Next things got dark.One tree landed longways on the right trackframe,smashing the two top roller pillars and driving the blade down into the soft soil,and the other tree glanced off the left hand corner of the canopy. Some people have said maybe the vibration from the tractor made them fall.The result,$ 400 for two used pillars and only injured pride.