some quick thoughts
Master Blaster:
I have read through your ground workers guide and found it to be instructive/ informative and usefull to the point where I would like to make it available to my helpers.
I do have a few quick thoughts
1. When reading this I realized that it is a whole lotta info.
Can you catagorize each operation using topic headings?
If the volume is broken down it will be easier to refer to each section and discuss each operation during the training process.
2. On Item 2: Are you mixing the jobs of crew groundman with the job of crew leader? I am refering to stocking items like replacement clothes, wasp spray, maps etc.
Prehaps a better suggestion would be to have the groundman(women) make a list of desired/needed items and see to it that the suggestions are submitted AFTER work and are listened to.
3. (I am jumping around a bit) On item 4 PPE is required and should be made available to the crew. The groundman CAN refuse to work if it is not supplied, but it is NOT the responsibilty of the groundman to supply these items.
4. Item 7, Calling the customers is not the responsibility of the groundmen but of the crew leader or owner or scheduler.
5. Item 14: Prehaps include that appropriate clothing MUST be worn at all times. (you might want to add no sandels, open toed shoes)
6. I like item 21, good thinking to add this, very important
7. Item 25, Raking methods are different with every crew (beyond the "stupid" methods) and the groundman should learn how the others want it done. "When in Rome do as the Romans do".
Also you do not cover how to operate a blower, when to operate a blower (not when sweeping needs to be done first). I think 25 is a basic skill set that so many folks just dont know how to do. Have you ever seen someone work a blower and take a whole lotta time and still have a dirty street?
8. Opinions vary on how to send up a saw. Huskys have a choke handle that can snag and brake off if the saw is sent up using the top handle as the attachment, but sometimes I like to have the saw come up so the bar is ready to insert in a cut (bigger saws)
9. Item 30, this is an art, roping and you have done a good job of briefly explaining it.
Keeping the jobs seperated, cutter and rope man is a good idea, but sometimes not practical, maybe stress common sense here as well in working together.
10. Did you stress keeping ALL ropes free and clear. Not walking on the ropes. Re-flaking the bull ropes, climbers rope every chance you get?
these are just quick thoughts...
Thanks for taking the time to compile this.