Arborcultural Inventions

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Aug 18, 2005
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I'm taking a poll for a paper i'm writing. In your opinion, what tool and/or physical object (that doesn't exist in this line of work) should be created- that would make the job much easier, quicker, or more efficient.

Please respond seriously. I know that Tractor Beams and Star Trek type teleporters for the hard to reach limbs would be ideal- but I'm trying to get some serious info.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Bryan
Sorry to sound cynical, but can tell us a little more about this paper you are writing so we can know that you aren't just someone wanting us to do free market research for you?
darkstar said:
robotic tree remover
That would be neat, I always thought that robotic machine that Sigorney Weaver was using in the movie :alien: Alien 2(?) to push the creature out of the cargo hatch would be great for our busines or any business for that matter. It had a Cat logo on it, the technolgy is there, but at what cost, much more than a Dingo loader I bet. :D

I can completely understand your cynicism. The fact is I go to college in Buffalo and am writing a paper on "original ideas". I happen to do tree work for a friend of mine and that is what inspired me to choose this particular subject. I understand if you would rather patent your ideas but it has nothing to do with that. Anyway, sorry if I bred mistrust in the proffesional arborist ranks. (and I don't mean that sarcastically.)
groundi, fw had a fair ?, what's the paper about?

Here's my answer anyway,

A Shigometer with a much wider range of readings and responses.
A groundie that can send a water bottle up on the first try! :p

Or a lobbyist that can actually help with some of the cost of diesel!! My god man we're gettin' drilled on that stuff!!

And the teleporter would be kinda sweeeeeeeeeeet. :)

My opinion of what's not out there yet but would be nice to have is an Area Weather Heat And Cooling Apparatus, that would make it possible to always work in nice weather. This would make me more efficent. Heck, if somebody invented it I be willing to give you AWHACA too.
What rhymes with "I'm taking a poll." ??? I go to college and even though this site has instructions on how to setup a thread that does a proper poll, I have failed to read those instructionsand setup a poll thread. I hope that does not reflect in any way on the education I claim to have but I'm _____, rhymes with Bryan. Bet few of you guessed the word was (tryin), you probably stopped rhyming at L, but went all the way to T for the first rhyme. I'm wondering if he's paying 3 cents a minute or using his anytime minutes to keep invent tech on hold while waiting for the Original Ideas to come rolling in. Cynicism and sarcasm aside and please respond seriously, what are you going to college for? :) :) :)
geofore said:
Cynicism and sarcasm aside and please respond seriously, what are you going to college for? :)
Are you asking that question of yourself? :p I start college classes again next week, and I ask myself that every once in a while. Anyway, He said 'a paper"; could be high school or work or ???

Is 'troll' the rhyme? don't see harm in this one.
OK OK I have a good idea and it is possible if the scientists etc put it together.

We've all heard about root mapping etc right? Pain in the backside digging around and stuff. Well, just like the medical profession do with us I reckon it would be great if you could have a dye or something put into the tree then set up a scanner and see where all the roots go and the sizes they are, see how well the vascular system is working too.

How you get the material into the tree is up for debate but with an idea like this you'd soon find decayed roots etc too. :)
The ART Rope Guide can be installed from the ground. The process is more complicated than a ring on ring false crotch though.

I can understand why the root system may be mapped with the radar units. But, once the system is mapped, what does it tell you about the roots? Can healthy roots be differentiated from less healthy?

For a lot less money it seems like an air tool gives a better view of the root system.

Tools to invent???

There was discussion several years ago about a lowering device with a clutching system to adjust the load automatically.

Compact rope climbing unit not using engine.
Hey Brian, I can appreciate you wanting serious inventions, but if a guy has a serious invention, the last thing he's going to do is post it on an open forum. As soon as you have 'public disclosure', your clock is ticking for one year from that moment to get it patented, or that idea becomes public domain and he has no recourse. If within that year the inventor does nothing, vultures can come in and prduce knockoffs, skipping all the research and development, making of the prototypes and the field testing. Copycats and shady entrepreneurs abound in this world.

Inventor can do nothing if he announces it without infringement protection. Sharing it doesn't mean his intellectual property is protected. Ideas are stolen all the time. It starts with someone ANNOUNCING IT ON THE WORLD STAGE before they have a patent pend on it. How do we know you're a college student and not someone looking for inventions served up on a silver platter to claim as his own. We simply don't. There are PLENTY of things in this industry not invented, not developed and not yet being marketed. We have ZERO to gain by giving away inventions to you, not even a benefit to our arborist brothers because the idea is not on the market for them to try and use.

Do you realize fully what you're asking? Good luck squeezing out legitimate ideas.
to get more clear

As TreeCo says, "climbing trees on 100% srt. We know it is coming...... and the pioneers in the field are emerging........."

A more versatile device would allow you to climb SRT, DbRT, DdRT, would be quick-on, quick-off and would allow you interchangability between climbing systems in any given moment. You would be able to do mid-air changeovers from ascent to descent, and descent back to ascent. It can be used left-handed or right. The device would be simple, easy to use, easy to learn and not cost a fortune.

Let's say, hypothetically ;) , that a climber/inventor has been using and refining this device for ten years, field-testing it daily, photodocumenting it from it's inception, networking with companies like Petzl, DMM, CMI, USHBA, Kong and Black Diamond under contracts of non-disclosure to assess it's feasability for production. In other words, he's done his homework, has done his research and has spent thousands in R and D, prototypes, photography and art.

He's excited about it for the world of arboriculture. He shares it one day on open forum, a skank sees his opportunity to develop and produce the idea, mildly different than the original, throws a pat pend on it because his sister in-law is is an Intellectual Property Attorney, he's now in ownership of the climber's idea and is going to market with it. The only recourse is with money and lawyers.

Do you see, Brian, what you're asking for?

The Unicender is a tool that works for SRT/DdRT ascent/descent.

If you want to see what it looks like, go to TB and find the thread titled "Booty haul from Long Beach"

Given the cost of the root radar it seems like the air tools could be a better value. Radar does more but costs buckets of money. Air tools can be made using black iron pipe for just a few dollars.
Sorry to run off-topic, but where is the Unicender these days. Been hearing about it for months its seems. Is it available or close to being on the market?
I've been waiting a long time. I knew it would only be a matter of time. I'll buy one sight unseen. I love new, cutting edge gear. Just tell me where. I'll be glad to Yeager it.
Tom Dunlap said:
Morgan said that he's going to make up a Unicender in a smaller size to fit the smaller diameter ropes.

That would imply that there is already one available for 1/2" rope? Or is everything on hold while he works on the smaller one? I've seen the results of the testing that was done, so is production close at hand? Is there a waiting list we can get on to get one when available?