The ialc Worldcup-Disciplines
Tree Felling
A tree must be cut down within three minutes, which is aimed to fall as near as possible to a pre-determined marker post. During the discipline, one must work within the valid safety regulations and working techniques.
Fitting another chain
With a ready to use chainsaw, one must dismantle and assemble the cutting apparatus. The chain must be taken off, the bar must be turned and another chain must be fitted. The new chain must be fitted so that the chainsaw is ready to use in the two following disciplines without adjustments.
Bucking by Combined Cuts
From two logs, one must cut a disc of wood no thinner than 30 mm and no thicker than 80 mm. This must be done by cutting the first half upwards from beneath the log and the second half from the top. The contestant gets the highest points when the upper and downward cuts meet each other, without a step, within the marked red zone and at right-angles to the length of the log.
Precision Bucking
From two logs, one must aim to completely cut off a disc between 30 and 80 mm thickness. The disc must be cut at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the stem. The contestant must try to cut the whole disc without damaging the board. Damaging the board will lead to zero points for the accuracy of the cut. The discipline will be performed while the log is in a thin layer of sawdust that hides where the log contacts the surface of the board.
In a cylindrically trimmed stem, 30 round branches, all equal in diameter and branching pattern, will be placed, to be cut off by the contestant. The branches must be cut level with the stem, as quickly and as safely as possible.
btw, i hope everyone noticed the lack of stihls on there :jester:
This type competition doesn't call for a fast saw thats why you don't see any Stihls.
Seriously though I like that type of competition focuses more on sawyer skills and not saw performance. I don't know that I'd want to put my nose six inches from the bar tip though.