Here's the one I bought today, I had searched all over this forum for a good pic of one with no luck so I thought I'd post a pic. I had to order it on "blind faith" from everyone's recommendation.
Part #1128 140 0801 for $26.81 plus tax. No hurry to install it, I've put 4 tanks of gas through the 440 now and it's Stihl freakin' me out every time it lights into a log, I'm not quite ready to make it any meaner.
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Part #1128 140 0801 for $26.81 plus tax. No hurry to install it, I've put 4 tanks of gas through the 440 now and it's Stihl freakin' me out every time it lights into a log, I'm not quite ready to make it any meaner.
Left side view
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