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  1. D

    Redwood trim/prune - Thoroughly Confused

    Hi, Thanks in advanced for your help. I live in SF Bay Area in CA and have 3 redwood trees growing in a line in my front yard. The two on the ends are about 80 ft and the middle one is about 60 ft. (these numbers are my guesses). End-to-end distance between the two large redwood is about 30...
  2. S

    2.5 year old Desert Museum Palo Verde. Never pruned. Need help.

    20191102_172106_HDR by SoCalDesert1 posted Nov 2, 2019 at 5:24 PM
  3. J

    Weeping (cedar?) Pruning

    Hello all, just moved into my new home and there is what I believe is a weeping cedar? Any identification help is appreciated- PlantSnap app didn’t identify correctly. As you can see by the pictures, it is starting to touch the roof and tangle the wires to the house (cable, not electric). What...
  4. M

    Fruit Tree pruning in Zone 7a

    I have 5 fruit trees that I am looking into pruning. They are about 5 years old semi dwarf apricot, pear, apple, plum, and saturn peach. From reading a couple of places, dormant winter pruning is best for most trees. For apircots, though it is suggested to not do in the winter. Does anyone...
  5. Rob Biehl

    How to Prune your Fruit Trees

    Do you know how you can perfectly prune your trees. Well I found one article on this. Please Check: How You Can Prune Fruit Trees
  6. S

    Topped Cherry Tree....long horizontal branches

    I just inherited this cherry tree at my new place, a topping far in its past has left some interesting branches. I am trying to figure out what is best for the tree going forward. After moving in I cut out the dead/rotting branches and pruned eveything up to about 6' 8" to allow walking under...