What draws people to McCulloch saws?
I've ran Homelite, Poulan, Stihl, Lombard (Knock Off), etc, and so on, but nothing matches the experience that McCulloch gives.
For me, especially, it's the 10-10 series. With the double louvered muffler.... It is louder than all hell. I love it. I can...
Looking to get my hands on any of the following saws if anyone has one to sell.
Doesn't have to be pretty, just mechanically sound.
- Super Pro 81
- 7-10A
- Pro Mac 850
- SP125
Parts I am looking for (as I know for now):
PN: 86124 - Crankcase bottom, Cover
(This part separates the bar-oil compartment from the crankcase assembly)
(The issue with this part: There is a hole in it .. allowing bar-oil into the crankcase.)
PN: 85459 - Muffler, Guard
(This part is...