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  1. D

    Redwood trim/prune - Thoroughly Confused

    Hi, Thanks in advanced for your help. I live in SF Bay Area in CA and have 3 redwood trees growing in a line in my front yard. The two on the ends are about 80 ft and the middle one is about 60 ft. (these numbers are my guesses). End-to-end distance between the two large redwood is about 30...
  2. A

    Can this be trimmed. Suggestion please

    We have the attached tree in our front yard. Obviously missed the chances to trim early it looks like. Can you please identify this tree and tell me if this can be trimmed and made to look better? Thanks for your help.
  3. D

    To trim or cut down old water oak with large mistletoe infestation

    I have an old water oak (my wife has lived in this house for nearly 30 years and the tree was fully grown and aged already when they moved in) that has a large mistletoe infestation. Large branches fall out of it all the time and my children often play underneath the canopy. It is approximately...
  4. I

    Silver maple - should it stay or should it go?

    We have a 75’ tall silver maple shade tree that extends over our house and over the neighbor’s as well. Some say it’s a “junk tree”, brittle and dangerous. They say we should have it removed. I’ve had five tree guys out and only one thought it needed removing. Would you take it out or leave it...
  5. T

    inadvertantly poisoned my trees

    Late last summer I mistakenly sprayed 3 Chinese Pistache trees with Roundup. I didn't realize it until the leaves began yellowing and dying so no immediate efforts were applied. I was told to let them overwinter and see what happens. It's now Spring and they are leafing out. The leaves, however...
  6. T

    inadvertantly poisoned my trees

    Late last summer I mistakenly sprayed 3 Chinese Pistache trees with Roundup. I didn't realize it until the leaves began yellowing and dying so no immediate efforts were applied. I was told to let them overwinter and see what happens. It's now Spring and they are leafing out. The leaves, however...