whisper chipper

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  1. garrett2006

    Old Asplundh Whisper Chipper Year & Model Help!!

    I bought an older Asplundh Whisper Chipper. I’m trying to figure out what year & model it is for ordering the correct motor parts I’m needing as well as chipper parts. I know it has a Ford 4.9 300 inline 6 cylinder, but depending on what year the unit is will determine the correct part numbers...
  2. C

    Just bought an older whisper chipper. Radiator?

    So i just bought an older whisper chipper off a guy. I'm not much of a mechanic, but learning as I go. It has a newer 300 ford IL 6, new carb, and a bunch of other new parts. Unfortunately, there is no radiator in it. Can anyone help me out and point me I'm the right direction as far as...
  3. QuercusGuy

    1998 Altec Whisper Chipper questions

    Hi guys, so I have an old super crazy dangerous machine I purchased. I have absorbed nearly if not all the videos that could be related to this chipper. I have purchased a manual which was incredibly informative but none of the content I have seen addresses where GREASE and what type should be...
  4. G

    Looking For Starter Older Whisper Chipper

    Does anyone know what starter would fit here? It’s an older Whisper Chipper, JEY model from what I can barely make out on an old tag, 70’s I’m assuming. I turned the old one in for a core charge for a new starter and the new one wouldn’t fit.
  5. A

    Carburetor for WhisperChipper w. Ford I-6

    Hi, I recently acquired a 1960's Asplundh Whisper Chipper. It is powered by a Ford 300 I6. It was equipped with an Holley 1949 single barrel carburetor (1 5/8 bore w. 3" bolt centers). The carb is trash corroded beyond rebuilding. I have seen Ford 300's fueled by Autolite 1100's, Carter YF...