009 carb rebuild, need help

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ArboristSite Guru
Jun 8, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone have instructions for rebuilding a 009 carb? I bought the kit and can see how to do most of it, except for the small screens and a small sheet metal plug. I will also need the procedure for adjusting the screws.
I see from many other posts that most of you don’t like the 009, but I got it for next to nothing and have nothing to lose.



Guess it is up to me. The small screen goes in the inlet needle feed hole, large hole inline with the inlet needle on the pump side.
The plug goes on the metering side. Use an awl to CAREFULLY remove the old plug, and use a tool about the same size as the plug to flatten it in the hole.
It will be helpful if you give me the model and numbers off the side of the carburetor as there are a few types on this saw.
I start at 1 turn on each needle. Warm up the saw, make a couple of cuts if possible. Adjust for a smooth idle, turn the idle SPEED screw until the chain stops at idle. Rev it up, adj for top speed and the back off hi speed screw until it blubbers a little. If it hesitates when you hit the throttle, open the hi screw 1/8 turn at a time untill it revs OK. If it does not clear up, try the low speed needle the same way.
ALWAYS clean the fuel tank vent. Number one problem on this saw. Has cured many running problems.
Let me know how you make out.
Thanks for the tips. When you say one turn, do you mean tighten all the way down and back off one turn?
I am at work now and the saw is at home, but if I remembor correctly, the number is something like CS-1, but I will check tonight.
I will have to look for the tank vent, is it easy to find?

Thanks again for the help,


Yep, LIGHTLY seated, then back off 1 turn. Sounds like you got a ZAMA CS1 carb.
2 hoses come out of the fuel tank. 1 goes to carb, other goes to clutch side of saw. If yo pull the second one off ans suck on it, it should pass air, slowly. If it seems to hold a vacuum and not relaese, it is plugged. There is a tin plate at the top of the sprocket(behind it). Remove the screwbehind it and you should fine the end of the hose with a screw in it. Pull the screw out and clean it. Try it again, if it still holds vacuum, look for another screw in the hose and throw it away. Put the first screw in, should pass air now.
Don't forget a fuel filter and check the fuel line.

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