I picked up a couple of 026 carcasses at an estate sale a while back. One was an incomplete parts saw, and the other was a complete saw, but had taken a beating and had a broken case (oil tank) and rear handle. This saw still has good compression, so I figured I'd swap some parts around and make one from 2. This evening I got around to splitting the case on the parts saw, and found a bunch of scoring in the bottom of the crank case on the side I need. This is the most in depth rebuild I've done, so I don't want to be wasting my time (or money) moving forward if this is going to be a problem. I don't think it will be, as the crank really shouldn't be coming into contact with this surface I believe. Would you more experienced builders let me know if it's worth proceeding? Should i get in there with some high grit sand paper, or a honing stone to try to smooth it out a bit, I don't think removing the powder coating will be an issue either. Photo below. (yes the bearings will also be replaced if I proceed)