Hello fellow chainsaw users.
I am aware there ar other posts on this topic and i think i have read hem all. The crucial ones do not display the images i need to see, ideally. So my apologies for starting a new thread but it's been months now anc money spent and days wasted trying to fix this thjng I never get angry and I am very patient but this problem has had me red faced and and about to snap!
I hope you can see my pics.
Changed oil pump. I know this one works and so did the last one probably, because if i fill up the hole on one side of the pump and spin the gear on it the oil sucks in and if i keep adding then it comes out the other hole.
Tank to pump vent definitely free and clear. If i puff it with compressed air it makes a ton of oil spew out.
Pump to oiler hole tube i thought was clogged but finally i have an air compressor and blowing o it i see air comung out the other end in the bubble form so it must be clear even to some extent. Last time i put the pump on i span it with a drill and got a trickle of oil then bubbles out of the chain hole but upon running No Oil came out!!
New plastic drive gear, gear in pump looks good and looks like the
Questions i have are
- Does the gasket ( i use a new one it fits and is not bent) have to be put on dry? And what torque do the pump bolts require? Looking at the way it works, oil comes out of the tank tube to a kind of concave channel that sits under the pump gasket, and then flows down to the pump inlet hole down this channel. It seems like a poor design kind of. Because any pressure will make it squeeze out of this channel an under the gasket behind the oil pump. But what do i know? I do know that the Pump must be fairly tight in order for this channel to be sealed nicely. I swear that when i took them off they were pretty tight but that was a long time ago that i took it off the first time!
I fill the pump with oil by running it in my hand and syringing oil in the inlet hole before reassembly.
I cant seem to get oil in the port by the chain but i would like to pour it in the chain outlet hole and watch it dribble out the hole where the pump spits it out. That would be promising!!
Question 2..... i cant see exactly where the hole goes if i look in the hole by the chain outlet. It does look like its been drilled upon manufacture.. Comparing to the massive port on my stihl 026 this one appears the same or smaller.
Is it possible for me to drill it deeper and or wider? Perhaps the technician did not drill deep enough?
As i said it is definitely a clear passage to some extent. I just wonder if i can make it bigger and a definite clear round hole shape. I cant see a round clear hole using a magnifying glass. Some kind of hole though, i think!!! tricky....If i drill is there a danger i might hit something else? Im talking a very small amount of drilling.
What else. That little valve has a pin head ball in it that moves freely. I think when i blew compressed air at it it pressurized the tank and oil came out of the tank to pump tube hole. I assume the valve works since it moves freely in and out.
The yellow o ring slips over the shaft in the oil pump i think. The drive sprocket fits snug. Any parts missing?
Any ideas anyone? Im about ready to redesign the entire saw in some probably crude way and cut my own tubes ! At least it would oil then!
Thanks you guys. Not sure if pics help but.... Aside from this problem I love this saw it starts fine and it's an animal. Thinking of becomung a distributor. Their chains cut insanely well also.
Going to reassemble now and tighten the pump bolts tight! and fill pump with oil. and try and put oil in the last tube again. So tired of this routine . More than ten times probably. I just wanna cut some wood! Thank you very much to anyone replying

I am aware there ar other posts on this topic and i think i have read hem all. The crucial ones do not display the images i need to see, ideally. So my apologies for starting a new thread but it's been months now anc money spent and days wasted trying to fix this thjng I never get angry and I am very patient but this problem has had me red faced and and about to snap!
I hope you can see my pics.
Changed oil pump. I know this one works and so did the last one probably, because if i fill up the hole on one side of the pump and spin the gear on it the oil sucks in and if i keep adding then it comes out the other hole.
Tank to pump vent definitely free and clear. If i puff it with compressed air it makes a ton of oil spew out.
Pump to oiler hole tube i thought was clogged but finally i have an air compressor and blowing o it i see air comung out the other end in the bubble form so it must be clear even to some extent. Last time i put the pump on i span it with a drill and got a trickle of oil then bubbles out of the chain hole but upon running No Oil came out!!
New plastic drive gear, gear in pump looks good and looks like the
Questions i have are
- Does the gasket ( i use a new one it fits and is not bent) have to be put on dry? And what torque do the pump bolts require? Looking at the way it works, oil comes out of the tank tube to a kind of concave channel that sits under the pump gasket, and then flows down to the pump inlet hole down this channel. It seems like a poor design kind of. Because any pressure will make it squeeze out of this channel an under the gasket behind the oil pump. But what do i know? I do know that the Pump must be fairly tight in order for this channel to be sealed nicely. I swear that when i took them off they were pretty tight but that was a long time ago that i took it off the first time!
I fill the pump with oil by running it in my hand and syringing oil in the inlet hole before reassembly.
I cant seem to get oil in the port by the chain but i would like to pour it in the chain outlet hole and watch it dribble out the hole where the pump spits it out. That would be promising!!
Question 2..... i cant see exactly where the hole goes if i look in the hole by the chain outlet. It does look like its been drilled upon manufacture.. Comparing to the massive port on my stihl 026 this one appears the same or smaller.
Is it possible for me to drill it deeper and or wider? Perhaps the technician did not drill deep enough?
As i said it is definitely a clear passage to some extent. I just wonder if i can make it bigger and a definite clear round hole shape. I cant see a round clear hole using a magnifying glass. Some kind of hole though, i think!!! tricky....If i drill is there a danger i might hit something else? Im talking a very small amount of drilling.
What else. That little valve has a pin head ball in it that moves freely. I think when i blew compressed air at it it pressurized the tank and oil came out of the tank to pump tube hole. I assume the valve works since it moves freely in and out.
The yellow o ring slips over the shaft in the oil pump i think. The drive sprocket fits snug. Any parts missing?
Any ideas anyone? Im about ready to redesign the entire saw in some probably crude way and cut my own tubes ! At least it would oil then!
Thanks you guys. Not sure if pics help but.... Aside from this problem I love this saw it starts fine and it's an animal. Thinking of becomung a distributor. Their chains cut insanely well also.
Going to reassemble now and tighten the pump bolts tight! and fill pump with oil. and try and put oil in the last tube again. So tired of this routine . More than ten times probably. I just wanna cut some wood! Thank you very much to anyone replying