I've been quite disappointed the last 2 days. I had put a new Episan piston kit in my old 10mm 044 last summer. It had been running fantastic since, I did file a little around my ports then polished the exhaust nice and smooth with emory cloth. The saw had teetered with around135 lbs of compression since I bought it off ebay about 3 years ago being dependable but didn't have near the power that it did after I replaced the piston and rings with the slight modification to the ports last summer. My freind run it who has a year old 372 and was surprised and commented it felt close to his. Well I imagine I haven't put maybe around 30 hours on it , little more or less and yesterday it wouldn't idle, just died when I let off the throttle. I noticed compression felt very low and thought maybe I burned a hole in the piston as I had the plug out a few weeks ago and it looked quite a bit gray, but then I richened it up a bit and it sounded safe. So tonight I pulled the cylinder and both rings were broke in half. Anybody know what usually causes it ? Cheap rings with the Espian piston ? Piston -cylinder clearance wasn't awful bad when I put it in, but not as tight as a newer cylinder would of been. If memory serves me right it was .004 to.005 which I thought would be ok. Nothing looks like it run hot and there was a very thin, light film of dark carbon on top and in the exhaust, not enough to flake off.
If any one can help me out why the rings probably broke I would appreciate it ?
I located an brand new oem 10mm P&C on ebay, checked the seller, bid $75.65 yesterday and came back tonight to up the bid at the end of the auction, being I could really use it I bid way over that with 15 seconds left and thought I had it as the page returned with 4 or 5 seconds, thought it said I won and I went to my ebay and listed it as an item I didn't win sold for $76.65 + about $10 shipping. I bid about twice that and thought I had it for the $70 something :msp_mad::msp_mad: . Was thinking of installing it this week already after I thought I won the bid and now I gotta figure what to do with what I got, and after the short life of those rings I guess its big bucks if I go oem. The espian piston has a long straight scratch so don't know I would want to use it and the cylinder I think is on the edge of its limits but I suppose I'll get some second opinions.
If any one can help me out why the rings probably broke I would appreciate it ?
I located an brand new oem 10mm P&C on ebay, checked the seller, bid $75.65 yesterday and came back tonight to up the bid at the end of the auction, being I could really use it I bid way over that with 15 seconds left and thought I had it as the page returned with 4 or 5 seconds, thought it said I won and I went to my ebay and listed it as an item I didn't win sold for $76.65 + about $10 shipping. I bid about twice that and thought I had it for the $70 something :msp_mad::msp_mad: . Was thinking of installing it this week already after I thought I won the bid and now I gotta figure what to do with what I got, and after the short life of those rings I guess its big bucks if I go oem. The espian piston has a long straight scratch so don't know I would want to use it and the cylinder I think is on the edge of its limits but I suppose I'll get some second opinions.