066 not running after it warms up

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Danbury Ct
I have a 066 that is a couple of years old. It does not have alot of hours on it. When I am using it , it shuts down after it warms up.
It just cuts off. No bogs or pops, just right off as if I am turning the kill switch. When I opened her up, the stator (the little black box) behind the pull start housing is getting pretty hot. I am speaking of the part that has a wire going to the spark plug and a couple of smaller wires going into it. I think its bad, but never heard of this happening to such a young saw. I am really tight on funds right now and dont want to start buying parts to trouble shoot. I regret selling my 394. After 7 years of using the saw everyday, I never had any problems with it. I have had other stihl saws in the past and never had a problem either. Now here is a saw thet cost me around a grand and it is not working for me. Anyone have any input of what this problem could be? :confused:
I would start with the simple checks first, spark plug, fuel line and filter and possibly check carb. After saw dies check it for spark right away while it is still hot to see if ignition module is heating up and gone bad.
The coil's from stihl should have the life time garentee. The problem you decribe is common to happen in saws. Also, look to see what type of coil and fly wheel cobination you have. I know that Bosh made soemfor stihl.

Dada, he was talking about using the Husky for 7 years...

See what ya get for buying a Still?
Originally posted by netree
Dada, he was talking about using the Husky for 7 years...

ooopps, thanks I edited post, fingers were typing before brain went into gear:D
Sounds like an ignition problem.

Most of the time the problem turns out to be the ignition lead. Either the "hook-on" spring which goes inside the plug boot doesn't have good contact, or the contact post inside the ignition body where the lead screws in has broken off.
Ok, I pulled the spark plug and the color was good. (the top electroid was loose though), I put a new plug in anyway. The metal inside the spark plug boot apears to be tight and good.
The first time this happened, I pulled the hell out of the pull start and it became flooded. I do think its a no spark issue when the saw heats up. The little black box that I spoke of in the original thread has a wire that goes into the side. The connector has a little nipple in the middle and I butchered that connector taking the box out. I am going to cut the wire and put a new connector on it. When the saw gets hot, I am going to pull the plug (leave it in the boot) and have another person pull start it to see if it has spark or not. Is the black box the ignition modual? I had a simular problem with my W/C 17 and it turned out to be the ignition modual. When the motor got hot, it shut down. Does anyone have the big Dolmar saw? The next size up from the 7900.
What do you guys think of that saw. I am considering picking up a 7900 to replace my stolen 044, and the big Dolmar. My truck got broken into and I lost my 044, and around 450. worth of other tools. Thank God for insurance! Thanks for all your help, you guys rock!
:cool: :cool:
I would only think it is 2 things. Either your tank vent is going bad (that doesn't sound like the problem, though it is possible.) or your ignition mdoule is going bad like you say. Yes the module is covered for the life of the saw. Bring it to your Stihl dealer he will be able to replace it and warranty it for you.
The lifetime warranty on a Stihl ignition module is not absolute. You have to be the original owner, and the saw has to have been purchased when the lifetime warranty was offered. This warranty has been an on-again off-again deal with Stihl.
To me it sounds like it is the coil , hope she is under warranty and cost you nothing
Originally posted by sedanman
The lifetime warranty on a Stihl ignition module is not absolute. You have to be the original owner, and the saw has to have been purchased when the lifetime warranty was offered. This warranty has been an on-again off-again deal with Stihl.

He said it is 2 years old.....now I can't say for sure but by the way he is talking I would say he bought it new.

Lifetime coil warranty started in about the late 80's (I think) and continued through till jsut last year. Id ahve to look back through all my technical bullitens to see when it started up.

Yes that is the module
The warranty started about 86, I just called Stihl about the one on an FS96 I had here
Somebody has a good used one here. Gte the part number off the back of the flywheel to make sure you get the correct module.

Now on the larger Dolmar, do not buy it. Buy a 7900. The reports here is that the 9010 (I believe) has its problems. I know of 3 that did not make 6 months.

7900 has a good report so far, especially if you get it from Dan.

I did buy the saw new 2 years ago. I am going to follow your advise and take it back to the dealer that I purchased it from. Thanks for all your help.:)