066 woes

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone out there have new 066 with a bad attitude? Mine is incredibly inconsistent and I'm looking for some help. It floods terribly at times and simply idles poorly other times before stalling. I've tried the new air filter and clean the carb routine w/o cure. The dealer has not found a solution. It is 5 months old with little time on it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Have the dealer do a complete pressure/vacuum test. Sounds like a crank seal to me. The usual suspect is under the flywheel...
Funny you should mention that. The gas cap "farts" when I open it after trying to start the saw. It may not be venting properly or no vaccum is being pulled. Thanks
grodan said:
Funny you should mention that. The gas cap "farts" when I open it after trying to start the saw. It may not be venting properly or no vacuum is being pulled. Thanks

The 066 vent only works with vacuum, not pressure, so your fart may be pressure. Pressure is fine, so long as the needle seat in the carb can hold it back.

The tank vent is really easy to test - tip out the gas, disconnect the carb end of the fuel line, blow a little air into it to get the gas out of the line and filter, THEN, put a vacuum pump on the tank and such to about .4bar. The pressure should increase pretty quickly. Your dealer can do this in seconds.

The easiest way for you to prove it is to just undo the tank cap a little while the saw is running... best done with just a small amount of gas in the tank.

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