2149 quitting?

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Jan 14, 2002
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I have a stock (just muffler mods) Jonsered 2149, Today while I was cutting with It keep quitting .
Kinda acted like it was running up agents a rev limiter of something .acted like spark , would just abruptly quit.and start back up no problem.
Fuel filter is new (clean) new plug all the lines open.. Anyone have any idea what might be the problem?
Thanks for any info Eric
Might be a bad plug or loose kill switch or ground wire. Sounds like it's cutting out at a certain vibration/resonance level.

Just a guess, that's something I'd check. Swap plugs with another saw that you know runs well. I found a bad new plug in an 046 by swapping plugs with my old 025. The new plug was bad but the 5+ year old plug was good.
Thanks for the input but it is still quitting.
I put a new plug in, checked the fuel line, checked vent.check kill everything is tight, grond looks good and tight. It still dies with full tank of fuel.
When it quits the thing that baffles me the most is that it will start rite back up and run on the first pull.. If you guys know anything else to try let me know Please, This things got me baffled. Thanks Eric
Try a coil swap. I had an Efco do the same thing, near drove me crazy. Swapped coils with another saw and other the other saw took on the problem. The coil would run fine for a few minutes, then quit like the switch was flipped. Would restart after a minute or two. The Jonsered coils are warranteed, see if your dealer will try a swap for you.