Tried a 3/8 full chisle RS33 out with an 026/260 this weekend. and had no problem with ether the 16 inch or 20 inch bar in 12" dry softwood, not sure about smaller hardwood but I would expect that there would be enough power. Note both muffler and chain were tweeked for best results.
~12" red pine.
New Stock 260 7T sprocket with out of box .325 RS chain 16" Stihl bar
average 7-8 seconds
New muffler modified 260 7T sprocket with out of box .325 RS chain 16" Stihl bar
average 6 seconds
New muffler modified 260 7T sprocket with retouched 3/8 RS chain 16" Oregon bar
average 5-6 seconds
New muffler modified 260 7T sprocket with slightly dull 3/8 RS chain 20" Stihl bar
average 6-7 seconds
Just for compairison
Newish 066 with limited muffler mod 8T sprocket, slightly dull 3/8 RS on a 20 inch Stihl bar
average 3-4 seconds
Same 066 with 16" oregon bar and sharp retouched 3/8 RS chain
about 2.5 seconds
This was from memory,times were counted rather roughly on wood that was a bit inconsistant, How ever some facts were obvious,
1 Moding the muffler on the 026/260 was good for a 15-20% gain
in cutting speed.
2 The 026/260 did not have any trouble with the 16" or 20" bars and 3/8 chain on 12" soft woods
3 there did not seem to be a big diference in cutting speed between the .325 chain and the 3/8 chain, likly the factors involved set each other off. Sharpening, tuning and tecnique would likely make more difference.
4 the 066 is rather impressive with a short 16" bar and a sharp chain
It's not scientific data and it's with the 026 not the 024 but maybe it'l help.