357 Xp

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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 10, 2002
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Here's the problem, I think the 357 is just about the fastest saw I have owned but it seems to reach a certain temperature(after about 20mins straight bucking) then vapor lock.
I think it is vapor lock because if I put a few drops of fuel down the carb it will start and run for a while till it vapor locks again.
Has anyone else run into this problem?
I would like to hear some ideas on whats going on with this saw.
When it is running it is my favorite, when it stops it costs me money and time.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Check to see if the fuel tank vent works. When it stops, carefully loosen the fuel cap and see if you hear air hissing into the tank. Also check the fuel filter, 20 minutes of use may suck a lot of crud onto the filter when it dies the debris may fall back into the tank. When was the last time the carb had fresh diapragms? (carb kits are maintenance items in my book)
The saw has about 15 to 20 hours use max.
The tank seems clean as a whistle and I would think the saw would not run for long on the few drops of fuel I put in to restart.
The tank seems slightly pressurized if anything if I remove the cap slowly it will spit a little versus sucking in air.
Also what I have noticed is the carb which is rubber mounted vibrates more than the saw body itself when in use. I'm wondering if that could cause problems?
i had one of the first 357xp's in the USA. same problem as you are having, run for a while and quit. sedanman has touched base with some of my old posts. look at your gas tank cap. does it have four small holes in it? that was a cheap fix on husky's part. problem there was when the saw burned off fuel it would pull dirt from the atmosphere into the vent holes and that would hold the cap diaphram open and it would leak gas. the tank vent is too small and needs to be re-vented by a husky dealer. marty
Thank you Marty for the info. I checked the cap, no holes whatsoever.
If yours was modified by going to a vented cap with diaphram that would seem to indicate a design problem with the venting.
I believe my other Husky saws use a vent tube rather than holes in the gas cap and I have never had this problem.
Does the 357XP also use a vent tube?
Perhaps that is the pipe that exits the top of the carb and into the aircleaner( on my 357).
If that is the case something is restricting the air from being pulled into the tank, my guess would be wrong type of foam for the tube filter or a gasket punched incorrectly.
Do you know what the correct fix is Marty or is that info going to get you into trouble with Husky?
i am not going to get in any trouble. the gas cap was a cheap attempt that did not work. the saw has to go back to ANY husky dealer to replace the tank with a larger vented one. if they give you a hard time send me an e-mail so i can give the person from husky you or them need to contact. i do not think i can post it?
like i said, i got one of the first ones(if not the first. it was extreamly hard to find a dealer that even knew what i was talking about. they were still new in sweden). i saved husky a lot of money in recalls because they started to fix the problem before the saws got out. they never sent a penny for my trouble. marty
Hey KEENER, I have a similar problem with my 357, although not as severe. After my saw gets hot, and you restart, you have to kinda feather the throttle a little bit to get up to speed or it will die. Starts right back up, feather it up to speed and she cuts good. Like its starving for gas. Seems like some days are worse than others.:confused: