Hello everyone!
I'm a bit stumped. Hoping someone can help with opinions as to what might be wrong with my saw, a 395xp. Running a 3-ft bar with skip tooth milling chain.
I was milling a long slab (23-ft),and towards the end, the saw leaned out, and ran out of fuel. OK, that happens with such a long cut (I take breaks for the saw's sake every 6-8 feet), so I stopped, let it cool for a few minutes, refueled, and restarted. Finished the cut, no problems.
Stopped the saw and tried to restart for the next slab, and it wouldn't start. Tried the throttle trick (keep throttle open whilst pulling, choke off), and it started, but then died abruptly in the middle of the cut (I think but cannot swear to it, that there was a bit of smoke coming out of the engine). Now it only starts when I keep the throttle open.
I've used this saw for two years for milling big wood and no problems.
The H jet is all the way open, as is the L.
Could I have burned up the saw? Maybe my 50:1 mix is missing some oil and it overheated?
What in the world could be happening?