I scored some red oak that had been cut down about 1 year ago. It was close by so I took the train to get it. That way I can split and haul it home in 1 trip. All the small limbs and easy stuff was gone, what was left was just the big o trunk full of knots and crotches already cut into 18" rounds. There were 8 rounds, that I thought surely i could get 8 rounds in my 6.5' x 12' trailer. The rounds were not round and would not roll. They were 30-40" dia depending on where you were measuring. I had to noodled them into 1/4 rounds to be able to move them to the splitter. Most of the rounds were the kind of wood when you look at it, it's hard to tell which way the grain is going. The grain may change directions mid chunk of wood and you go from splitting to cutting thru it, or just wading it up. Doesn't stack well, but I use the toss it into the wood shed method of storage so stacking is not a problem. Any way, I only got 6 of them in the trailer, and it was full. Had to return for the other two another day. The pictures tell the story. I used to really like the big rounds, but I am having 2nd thoughts after this adventure. I may be getting old.