Not sure why everyone gets so emotional over oil..... just don't think it is really that big of a deal.... run whatever you want if it works for you. The saws with the failures.... I really don't think anyone sends them out for an actual failure analysis or scientific evaluation. It's usually.... must have been the : (Pick whatever fits your personal agenda) Too much oil, not enough oil, synthetic oil, conventional oil, too rich, too lean, crop circles, zinc, low vitamin D, chain too tight , bar too long ( you cant run a short enough bar by the way), outboard clutch, inboard clutch, wrong orange color, blah blah blah with pretty much no effort to try any real analysis. At least redbull has actually put some effort into coming up with some actual testing and has contributed results. 7 seconds by just changing the mix ratio is a huge difference. There are not THAT many variables changed in that short amount of time.....if he were to perform the same tests again or have someone else replicate those tests and have a similar result, I would say that is pretty definitive.
BTW, my 026 has ran the last 16-17 years with Stihl conventional oil at 50:1 with fuel with ethanol in it with Stabil..... is stored wet this way. Have never had it not start, original fuel lines, never rebuilt the carb, runs perfect to this day ( actually, all my outside power equipment is left wet with ethanol and stabil.... NONE HAS EVER HAD A FUEL RELATED PROBLEM IN THE LAST 20 YEARS.......doesn't seem that odd to me and the results speak for themselves. Maybe all the newer saws are just junk.....sure hope my 461 lasts like my 026 has, that is what I expect, of course what do all those OEM engineers who test the OEM oils know about oil and testing longevity of their power equipment????.... I'd go with a bunch of guys working on chainsaws out their garden shed any day of the week... Bwwaaahaahaa.....