So today I stopped by a new account to haul out some brush. It's great cause it's 5 minutes from my house, Aldo doesn't hurt that the owner is a single mom, my age and quite lovely. Anyway she had a bunch of her friends over helping her clean (mostly other hot chicks) and 2 guys. So guy 2 pulls up in a new accura and gives a dirty look to my stakebody on the curb. Guy 2 then grabs his guerrilla ladder and a newish ms 290. Proceeds to back yard and sets up ladder on tree. Starts his saw and revs the pi$$ out of it for the chicks I guess. I mind my own, but told Angela ( the homeowner ) that this is a bad idea and this guy looks clueless. I say, " cool saw, think it's a bit big for that branch"? He says nah. I'll add that I could have cut the limb with a Swiss Army knife. He makes his cut, gets saw pinched. Shocking. I say need a hand ? Nope. He tugs and tares and rips the saw out. Now he wants to cut over his head. I tell his girlfriend that this will end bad. She convinced him to stop and come down. I play dumb and ask about his saw. He tells me it's a pro saw a cross between a climbing and felling saw. Again it's a 290. So mr khaki shorts and white new balance sneakers looked like a hero I guess. I bet his head would have spun if I told him I run older poulans. Luckily he didn't get hurt but like they say pride comes before the fall.