Action Shots...

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Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Riverland, South Australia
Hi Guys.
Just for the hell of it I thought I'd start a thread where people can post their chainsaw action shots. No videos, just photos. I'm sure there are some crackers out there and a thread like this may already exist!
This one was taken by my Fiancee with her Nikon SLR in Tasmania in April 2009. It's of my best mate using my 3120 with 36" bar on a pretty large Radiata Pine log. It's the best action photo I've got by far - he'd never used a saw prior to this larger than a Stihl 029. It was about -2°c (28°f) when this was taken and you can see ice on the far end of the log - you can also see steam off the end of the hard nose GB bar.
Post details with your photos and they have to be your photos too, not poached from elsewhere - exceptions made for outstanding poached photos :cheers:

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What a huge tree and nice action shot. I have a few pics of me doing my thing but noting spectacular,and its hard to take pictures of myself lol
Cool thread, we love pics. Problem for me is I never have a camera w/ me working, nor do I ever think about taking a pic even if I had one.
Might have to get the wifey to tag along one day, but it ain't gonna happen until it cools off a little.
What a huge tree and nice action shot. I have a few pics of me doing my thing but noting spectacular,and its hard to take pictures of myself lol

Yeah it certainly is hard to take good photos of yourself :) Hey they don't have to be anything spectacular. Quite often the most interesting part is the explanation :cheers:
This is a huge Burr Oak that blew over in the winds of Hurricane Ike, all the way up here in Ohio. This part of the trunk was probably 20' in the air.


Thats one nice solid lump of wood Brad :)

This photo is of a good mate of mine in Dareton, New South Wales who has basically the same chainsaw and tree felling business I do. He does a lot more firewood than me though. Here he is with his 880 and 36" GB hard nose bar on a nice solid lump of Redgum. For interest's sake he is sick of lugging an 880 around and is selling it. He actually wants to buy that modded 660 that Brad built for me. It hasn't even arrived yet. He is even going to drive about 100 miles just to give it a run. He's excited about the modifications :) This guy is one of many who filed warranty claims with Stihl for dust getting through his 880 filter and was successful in having the standard filter replaced with the Extreme Conditions kit.

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My wood is MUCH smaller than the previous pictures, but I won't ever see big wood, so here goes........

Limbing/bucking some oak with my 490--3/8 .058 full chisel chain on a 16" bar.

Working on the trunk with the 920--3/8 .058 full chisel chain on 20" bar.

Knocking down a standing dead oak. If you look closely, you will see a shade of blue sweatshirt behind the tree on the right. That is me moving in the opposite direction of the tree. My son took the picture right as I was behind the tree.
I don't have many action pics as I mostly cut by myself and end up with pictures of logs and chainsaws.

Here are some from when I had a wood permit on State land.



Here is a pic of my buddy cutting some hickory with a... Oh holy cow! A 290!?!? They cut wood??? Must be cuz it was pretty much brand new. :dunno:
