I need help adjusting the idle and carbs on my Husqvarna 136. Well, originally all I needed help with was the idle, but I started screwing with the thing before I knew what I was doing. Anyway, the saw has three screw adjustments, each labeled "T", "L" and "H". Unknowingly, I adjusted the L & H screws before I realized they have nothing to do with the idle (the T screw controls it). Now, I have gotten the carb out of whack and can't figure out how to get the L & H screws properly adjusted. Any set rule to for these screws, or do you have to play it by ear? It basically will start, run pretty high, and then die out. You can sometimes keep it running with the throttle, but it will bog down. Mind you, before I got ahold to it, the saw ran perfect (just idled too high). Any advice is greatly appreciated!