Two days isn't much time to show your stuff, and if you try it will likely not go over well.
Be sure to have wood chipper protocols down pat!
Pack a conservative lunch and your daily water.
If you have a hardhat and glasses that meet ANSI standards, take them. Bring good work gloves but not brand spanking new ones.
Don't wear your favorite Black Sabbath sweatshirt.
You are naturally going to be curious about things a highly trained tree crew do. As it sounds like you are going to be on a production crew those two days I suggest you not tie up personal with your curiosity. They've got stuff to do and maybe you can catch an explanation in the truck on the way home.
Keep your head down.
Show up only ten or fifteen minutes early. Management has lots to do in the morning and doesn't have time for a lot else. For instance the boss may have just found out that the jobs scheduled for the day are not working out as planned.
Take ribbing by the crew that you are a newby at this polished tree crew stuff. They are just trying to lay down a pecking order. Those lowest on the pecking may be the ones hardest on you. After you get on the crew you can work that out. Be humble like a monk. No spinning wheel kicks.
Keep your head down is worth repeating.