Me and a buisness partner are looking into starting a part time residential tree business, any advice/tips etc.. Is very much appreciated. Okay so I am a journeyman line clearence tree trimmer in the business going on 7 years with a good amount of roping,rigging ,hazard tree etc. Experience I am comfident I can safely trim/ remove almost any tree. My partner is also my coworker with practically the same time/expereince. Anyway right now we have climbing gear, ropes and pretty well all the roping and rigging equiment nessasary for most jobs. We also have trim, medium and stump flushing saws. We are willing to invest profits back into our business but that is probably the equipment we will be starting with. We Work 40 hour weeks for our respective employer. We are just looking at a job or two a weekend. We want to continue to work our full time job doing line clearance through the week and make some extra cash doing residential for ourselves on the weekends. Any advice or feedback would be awesome and appriciated. I am completely new to this being I have never attempted or started my own small buisness I have questions like what kind of insurance is necessary and suggested also how to promote and possible bidding suggestions thanks to all who reads and or comments.