Air Filters: Felt vs Fine Screen

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Feb 15, 2022
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I have a hazy memory that there are some filters that have a fine fabric screen instead of the yellow felt fabric. This is a Husqvarna 365 part number 503 72 53. What was the situation warranting these elements? Winter? Low dust cutting?
Back in the early days, these were the only type of air filter on many saws. The flocked or felt air filter came later. I am talking 60s, 70s, early 80s). Later, the wire mesh started to be called the "winter" filter. We also started to see heat doors on a lot of saws to let heat from the cylinder enter the carburetor area. This was to help prevent icing of the carburetor and air filter.
I like either felt or wire mesh because they can be blown out or washed and reused. So I dislike the modern paper ones because they can't be washed. I check the carb side of the filter for dust and if there is any I try to add more filtration.
Thanks for the info. I see no tears in this filter and isn't too dirty so I'll keep it going. OEM filters aren't cheap!

I think the mesh material is a synthetic fabric of some type.
That's the winter filter, it's less likely to ice up.
You can get the aftermarket felt one dirt cheap for a 365 if you want one of those instead.
I got an aftermarket filter for a 55. It came with a filter base, which seemed odd. I put the AM filed on the OEM base and it didn't fit right. So I don't trust that an AM filter will fit the filter adapter without letting in trash.

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