I have Craigslist posts for chainsaws forwarded to my email address. I work for the major Trauma hospital in the U.S. and yesterday I was looking at my email and came across this listing for a MINT 372 xp that the poster said a shop told him he needed seals for it so decided to sell it. Selling price: $60. My mouth started to spew drool forth as never seen before!! At that moment a Trauma OR called for someone to run flouro, and I had to go. There is no holding up the doc's when they call. So I packed it up hoping that I would get a break soon so that I could email the guy (only had an email reply to his post). About 1/2 hr into the case they had to do some sewing, so I had my chance. Whipped out the phone and proceded to email him how I would love to bring that saw back to life. We finished out the case and I impatiently waited by my phone for a reply. About 4pm I got a reply stating that someone had emailed him 15 minutes earlier than me who was supposed to swing by and pick it up and if not he would let me know. I did the math and if I had emailed him when I saw the post that would be me stopping by his house to cradle that lovely saw in my arms! I think I went home and kicked the dog (just a figure of speech, don't need to spend some time in jail) and sulked all night long. Even looking at my 262 project sitting on my bench could pull me out if my funk. All I kept saying is" When is the chainsaw God going to smile at me and give me something nice?" I've got the feeling this one will sting for a long time.