Hi there - Although I'm not an arborist I have acquired a 1997 Altec L-36 boom truck and need some advice.
I bought the truck at what seemed a very good price and most everything on it worked fine - but last summer a hydraulic hose under the deck blew and I replaced it, and this week while exercising the boom prior to using it one of the insulated hoses in the boom blew.
I am hoping this is not a trend - and am looking to y'all for advice.
First question: After perusing this site it seems the general impression of Altec equipment is relatively positive. Does that apply to the L-36 or is this machine possibly a 'problem child'?
I got a bit concerned after hose #2 blew and called Altec service for an estimate on completely re-hosing from the rotary joint up. That turned out to be quite an expensive proposition - not out of my budget but would it be stupid to put $12K into a truck that probably has a limited service life left? (I don't have employees, this unit is for my personal use on maintenance projects.)
Second question: If I took on replacing the hoses myself, how the heck do you get to the hose connections down inside the rotary joint? The lower boom appears to be in the way of getting a wrench of any sort down there to unscrew the fittings, and once removed how do you get a replacement hose into place? Or do I pull the lower cylinder and hoist the boom up out of the way?
Or should I consider this upper hose failure a 'one off' and expect reasonable service life from what's left? (I think I know the answer but I had to ask).
Thank you in advance for any guidance -