Tree Freak
A good shot indeed; did ya see my hand stickin out the other side of the hole? A hole shot?
I have a pic of the complete ( its simple) somewhere but below the silver screw beener is a link to my bridge which is pretty bombproof, the green rope is my saftey ( three wrap prussick or something) which is hanndy to have. You can clip in above the link to my bridge for pole work where you want it shorter .
Cheapest fastest, safest out there, very noncomplicated and compact. That rig has been in service for YEARS ( at least 8). For going up I use it witha foot acsender of course cause its more like driving a Caddallack compared to staright foot locking. With this you can easliy finese you away around, above, through or just plain right at wherever to got to get. If you have to have something it is great if it can do a lot of different things for you. Rather then have just a bulky ascender than you can only go up with; its good just to have if you have to pull a rope tight. Toss in a friction device maybe some puleeys?