anyone have any 5/8 to 3/4 bull rope 4 sale?

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Just a little friendly advice, buying ropes second hand is a recipe for disaster. I imagine you are looking for a bull rope to do some heavy rigging. Noway I would trust something heavy over my guys on a rope that I didn't know the complete history of. But that's just me...
This is the one I use:

150' is as low as I go. I used to have a 150' and a 200' but I have trimmed a lot off of the worn ends. The further you can get out when pulling something over the more leverage you are going to have. You'd be surprised how many times the 200' rope has saved the day. If you plan on doing any serious rigging you need at least 150'. It is not often that I need two 3/4 ropes for a rigging operation but it sure does come in handy to have them when I do.
if you can not afford to buy a new bull rope you are bidding too cheap. i mean c'mon man, take the lil money you would save by buying a questionable rope and tack it on to the price of the job. do you not care about the safety of your men/yourself, customer's property, etc to trust an unkown rope?

never buy a used rope! too much risk at stake!!
my advise, never, ever, EVER!!!,,, pay for a used rope. Never trust a rope that you pulled a 30000 lbs log facin the wrong way with a semi ever again, and never take a piece over anything important with a rope that someone "swears" is still good, unless you were there when dat ting was new .
It doesn't hurt to ask. You never know, maybe someone has an end of a spool that they have never used but they don't really want anymore. I mostly agree about not buying used rope, but you loose nothing by asking.